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"Mommy!" I ran into my mothers room

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"Mommy!" I ran into my mothers room. Not surprised when I saw her on the phone. She was always talking to my auntie in the morning. Especially since it was Saturday morning.

"Yes Nika? Why are you so loud?"

"Sorry. Hi Auntie." I jumped on her bed, staring up at her.

"Hey tink. You have a whole lot of energy today." My aunt waved on the screen and I smiled.

"Because I happy."

Momma looked at me, raising her brow a bit. "How old are you baby?"

I put four fingers up and smiled. "I four."

She nodded, "What is it you would like?"

"I miss my friends." I said with a knowing pout.

She laughed lowly, "Fine. but if my house is left in a mess, everyone is getting their ass beat."

I cheered, jumping up and giving her a big hug. "Thank you mommy!"

She kissed my check, "Go make sure your room is clean girl."

Quickly, I went to my room, making my bed since that was the only thing that was messy. The twins were coming, as well as Kelly so I was really excited.

When they got here, they came with a dunkin' donuts bag. That's the first thing that caught my attention when I opened the door.

"Donuts!?" I squealed, reaching for the bag but Rob pulled it back, laughing a little with her iced coffee in her hand.

"I got you a donut tink, but you can only get it under one condition." She grinned, poking my nose.

"I'll do anything!"

She took a step to the side and Beyoncé was behind her, causing me to raise my brow. I realized what they wanted and groaned. "Finee!" I stomped, snatching the bag and running up to my room.

I heard a unknown laugh and knew it was Beyonce. Rolling my eyes, I tried to shut the door on her so it could hit her but she quickly stopped it.

"What did I do?" She asked, sliding off the big coat she had.

"Annoying." I mumbled, sitting with my arms crossed.

The others hadn't even came in my room yet, they must be talking to my mom.

She held out this little cup to me and tilted her head. "Since I'm so annoying, I'm sure you don't want this apology drink?"

Confused, I looked at the cup. "I no want it."

She bummed, nodding her head. "Okay. I can drink the hot chocolate myself."

"Hot chocolate!?" I sat up, "I wan' it, I wan it!"

She shook her head, "I thought you ain't want it though?" She sat on the little couch in my room. The others finally came in and got settled while I went to Beyoncé.

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