Chapter 23

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Flashes of light blinded me as I sat in a white, empty room with a TV sitting in front of me. I looked down seeing that I was tied up to a chair.

"Where am I?" I asked, screaming as the TV turned on by itself.

"Wait so you thought there was a stalker?" Bree asked as her eyes widened looking at me.

"I was hearing things." I answered and let out a soft laugh.

"But it is super weird, though since it has never happened to you before until now." Jolene said.

"My advice is, keep your new buddy on a very tight leash for a while." Bree advised.

"But guys, Bex is just a college kid, what harm could she cause me?" I snorted and laughed.

"Bree is right, anyone can act nice and before you know it, they kidnap you as some hostage or something." Jolene pointed out.

"She is also a fan of you and your work and fans can be crazy... at least the toxic ones are." Bree added.

"We are just asking you to be careful with Bex, that is all." Jolene mumbled.

"Don't worry," I sighed in defeat and raised my left hand as I rolled my eyes. "I will be careful and cautious with her." I assured them. 

"What is this? Answer me!" I screamed as the screen went black for a few moments before cutting to a new scene. 

"She changed her name to Rebecca Ray," I told her. "I have only known her as that name before I contacted a college in New York she said she went to, and they confirmed there was no Rebecca Ray." I explained to her. 

"Do you know where she lives? What job she may have?" 

"No," I answered, shaking my head. "But I have friends who recently went over to her current home." 

"Are you still in New York as of now?" Norma asked. 

"No, I still live there but my family lives in another state and I decided to visit them for the weekend but my flight back to New York is tomorrow." 

"Lydia is very, very dangerous," Norma sighed loud in the phone. "Look, you need to tell your friends call the cops and let them know what you guys know. Lydia has murdered before and if you continue to be her friend, you will be next." Norma warned.

Then the next part placed and I saw Lydia and me fighting. I shook back and forth, trying to get free.

"If you plan on killing me, do it now." I taunted her.

"Not yet bestie, I want you to suffer first." Lydia laughed and grinned at me. "Starting with your friends, I am going to lure them one at a time because let's face it, two against one? Unfair," Lydia laughed. "But here is the best part," Lydia whispered as she went closer to my ear. "When I kill them, I will make you watch as they die slowly and when I am done, then I will kill you." Lydia whispered softer, smirking. 

"You will not get away with this, Lydia. You will get caught and get thrown back to a mental hospital where you belong." I whispered, shaking my head.

"But I already have." Lydia whispered back and stood back up. "Now eat!" Lydia shouted and left the room, slamming the door loudly. 

It felt as though I was watching a movie about someone else, and it was not my life, or my story and I felt a chill down my spine as Lydia appeared out of nowhere with an evil grin on her face as she held a plastic bag. 

"Lydia, please don't! Please don't!" I screamed, pleading to her as she walked slowly towards me, keeping her evil grin as she placed the bag over my head as I continued to scream.  

"No!" I shouted. 

My eyes quickly opened as I gasped and I yawned. Oh good. Just a bad dream. I thought until I tried to sit up and felt the handcuffs and I gasped, taking in my reality. As my bedroom door opened.

"Good morning! Did my bestie sleep well?" Lydia asked sounding chipper as she held a plate off eggs, bacon and toast.

"I have had better nights; I am sure you know." I mumbled and rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I laid back.

"So moody," Lydia said. "I am guessing you are not a morning person, huh?" Lydia giggled as she laid the plate on my bed. 

"Why are you doing this to me? Let me go, please!" I shouted at her. 

"You are so demanding." Lydia laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I made coffee and lucky me, I know just how you like it, I will be right back!" Lydia said as she clapped her hands together and left.

I began to try pulling away with the cuffed hand. I figured if I could not uncuff myself, the least I can do is break my bed so I could be free. I groaned softly as I pulled as hard as I could. Come on, come on, come on! My thoughts repeated as I kept trying. "I can do this; I can do this." I assured myself in a soft whisper as my bedroom door opened and I heard a loud gasp, and I knew instantly who it was. Crap, too soon. 

I heard Lydia slam a cup down as she yanked me down onto the bed as she got on top of me. "Stop trying to break free!" Lydia shouted as she slapped me in the face. "You are not in charge; I am so just start accepting your fate!" Lydia shouted as I teared up in fear.  

"Lydia, let me go and we can go back to how things were before." I lied, hoping she would believe me.

"No," Lydia responded as she got up. "It is way too late now, which reminds me... I should make a phone call." Lydia said, smirking at me. "Who should I call first? Bree is very rude, but Jolene is so sweet, it gets annoying... Sabrina, who should I call first?" 

"Don't hurt them, please, they have nothing to do with us!"

"I want revenge and I know they mean a lot to you... maybe I should call Bree first, what do you think?"

"No! Please don't!"

"Jolene it is then." Lydia said as she took out my phone from her back pocket as I watched her start calling Jolene.

"No!" I shouted as tears fell down my cheeks and Lydia put her hand over my mouth. 

"Shh, shh, shh, here is what I want you to do," Lydia started to say. "Tell her to come over as soon as she can but don't tell her anything suspicious," Lydia whispered, glaring at me. "Sabrina, if you do, I will kill you while she is still on the phone and make her listen, mmkay?" Lydia warned as her eyes widened.

I nodded slowly in response.

"Good girl." Lydia whispered, grinning. "Now talk normally, do not let her hear you cry, if you do not forget I will kill you while she is still on the phone and make her listen to your scream." Lydia repeated her warning. 

"Hello?" I heard Jolene's voice on the phone.

"Hey Jojo." I said, trying to sound calm. 

"What's up?" Jolene asked.

"Umm...." I trailed off as I struggled to say what Lydia wanted me to say. "Could you come over?" 

"I can't right now, I am at work."

"Jojo, I need a lift to the store to buy some things, could you help me by giving me a ride?" I asked, signaling to her that I needed help. When Jolene, Bree and I had first met we came up with a code to let the others know if they needed help to get out of a date that may be creepy or feel unsafe in any way. We had come up with, I need a lift to the store to buy some things, could you help me by giving me a ride? because in our minds, it made sense. We all knew it was not that clever, but it worked when we needed it. 

"Yeah, sure, I will come right over." Jolene said.

"Thanks," I said trying to hide the smug grin that fought to reveal itself. "I will see ya soon." 

"See ya." Jolene said and hung up. 

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