Chapter 11

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"I can't believe that Justin and Fiona extended their trip for another five days. This is ridiculous." Emily said while arranging the stack of James' books in an orderly fashion.

Fiona and Justin were supposed to return from their trip tomorrow, but they were currently on their way to Hummington Town.

"Come on, Em. They're in the midst of their honeymoon stage. What, I can't believe we are actually putting this room together." James let out a big sigh.

He never imagined the day would arrive when he would have to clean this room.

"This room is a mess, James. We will have an extra room once everything is in order. Secondly, I doubt it is a honeymoon phase as Justin once again managed to convert their honeymoon to a business trip." Emma expressed her thoughts.

The first time Justin and Fiona went on a trip together was to Hummington Town. When they first got married, Fiona's jerk of a husband had the audacity to make their rendezvous a business trip.

"He only has one day of work. For the next four days, he is going to make up for his screw-up." James defended his friend.

He felt it was rather nice of Justin to do that.

"Fine! I have to give it to him that he at least has the courage to accept his flaws. But it would have been entertaining to see Justin envious of Oliver." Emma chuckled as she thought about it.

"You really do enjoy his misery." James shook his head in amusement.

Justin's jealousy was rather ridiculous, yet it has entirely been his fault.

In the past, when Fiona was irritated by Justin's behavior, she went for a solo walkabout in the city, where she encountered Oliver, a business associate and good friend of Justin's.

Oliver liked Fiona from the first instance he met her. However, in his defense, he was unaware that she was his friend's wife. Since then, Justin has been envious of Oliver and Fiona's interaction, despite knowing Oliver is interested in someone else.

"Obviously. It is one of my favourite past-times." Emily stated while standing up and stretching a little bit.

It was surprising that they were both able to clean the room quicker than they expected. It appeared like he had a lot of belongings because they were strewn about. But there was one thing that drew Emily's attention. It was an album, which she hesitantly picked up from the floor and opened.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" When James noticed her studying closely at something, he asked her. He was changing the linens on the bed at the time.

"Your childhood photos." She said.

"Please don't." James groaned. It is also embarrassing when someone sees his childhood pictures.

"Why? You look so cute." Emily said excitedly.

He did look adorable, and the passage of time has just added to his charm.

"Yeah, sure." To hide his flushed cheeks, he rolled his eyes.

"I had no idea you wore glasses." Emily expressed herself.

"Yeah, but then I got it operated to remove it completely. However, I do occasionally wear computer glasses." He said.

"I have never seen you with it." Emily noticed.

"That is why I said, at times. It is very rare." Emily nodded in response to what he said.

However, she could totally imagine him looking extraordinarily remarkable in the glasses. It would only add more beauty and charm to his face and personality.

"Is this your mom, dad, and sister?" She asked him.

It was a family photo. His parents were standing, and James was in his mother's arms while his father held his sister.

"Yup, a standard family photo." He said casually.

But it was not that casual for Emily because she had a similar picture. One with Henry and some other with her dad.

"I am hungry. Let's eat." Emily said suddenly. She didn't want to go back to the old times where the picture with Henry no longer held any good memories for her.

"Okay." Looking at her, James said softly.

It was evident that browsing through his album had brought up some old memories of her that she didn't want to revisit.

Once they were done with lunch, they relaxed on the couch, watching re-runs of Friends.

"Hey, you all right there? You are awfully silent." James said.

"You know, James? This is something you ask me a lot." Emily noticed.

"Can you blame me?" He asked her.

"No, except for Fiona and my family, you are the only people who have ever been this observant," Emily said.

"Never thank me for it. Caring for you just comes naturally to me." He expressed himself.

"Don't embarrass me, James." She averted her gaze.

"I am being completely honest here," James stated.

"Shut up," Emily said with a blush, and this only made him chuckle.

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