Chapter 27

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An hour after Justin and Fiona had left, Emily was still sitting on the couch. She was ruminating on her conversation with Justin.

"I cannot force him to stay, either." With a pained expression on his face, Justin stated. James and Justin have been long-time friends, and the fact that he won't be able to see him every day breaks his heart.

"Why not?" Emily asked him.

How can he let his best friend leave?

"Why do you want him to stay?" Justin answered her with a question of his own.

"Because I..."

"Why Emily?" He pushed her to say something, anything. That might just be the key to reliving both of his friends' anguish.

"James deserves better." She stated it plainly.

It was the bitter truth.

"So does Fiona. So should I leave her? Should I try not to be a better person for her?" Justin asked her.

"But she loves you. It is not the same." Emily tried to make sense of her own logic.

"How is it not the same? James also loves you, Emily. Your past is not your flaw. You have a history that has shaped you into the person that you are today. But you do have a fantastic family who has your back. Sure, Henry abandoned you, but didn't that lead you to Bob, who always treated you like his own and loved you like a true father? Don't let Henry ruin your life. You cannot base your decision on James based on Henry or compare it with him."

"Justin, I would never do that. James is the most wonderful man I have ever met in my life. He is not Henry, and I know that very well. To tell you the truth, I trust him with my life."

"Then what is the issue?" Justin asked her.

"I am terrified. What if one day, James realizes that all this was a big mistake? What if he decides to leave me because he believes that he deserves someone better or someone better to come into his life, but he is stuck with me? What if I am not worth it?" Emily shared her greatest fear with him.

"Emily, just answer one question for me. Is James worth it?" He asked her.

"Yes," she replied without thinking. "He is worth everything."

"Are you sure? Even if you are afraid of losing him?" He asked her.

"Yes. He is worth the pain. What should I do, Justin?" She whispered.

She wanted to cry out of desperation.

"Only you can answer that. Do what is best for you, Emily. Forget about James and everyone else. Do what you truly want. Be rightfully selfish and follow your heart. If nothing else, just speak with James. You don't need to confess or declare your love. Simply talk to him. You might be amazed at the result." Justin told her.

It was easier said than done, but this was the best encouragement in the form of a solution he could offer and convince her.

The entire next day, Emily was feeling restless. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. The worst thought was not seeing him ever again. She cannot even picture him taking a job in Hummington.

Will she lose him forever?

She didn't even go to the office in fear of not seeing him today or ever again. Opting for sick leave felt like a better option, and it was not exactly a lie.

Her heart was feeling sick. But hell with the ethics.

Justin was well aware that Emily was not ill, but he chose to ignore it. She needs time, and her happiness is far more important than a day off from work. She is a dedicated employee, so it makes little difference if she chooses to stay away from the office for a day.

It was ten o'clock at night, and James was physically and emotionally drained. He was lying on the couch, deep in contempt. Despite his promise to Fiona that he would not pursue Emily, he was unsure. The trip to Hummington has been nothing less than an eye-opener.

Emily was a stubborn, hard-headed, and difficult woman to get through, but he could not run away from the truth that he loved her. Although she didn't reciprocate the feelings, but to the same level, he was quite sure that she did feel something for him. And even if she doesn't, they should at least talk about it. If not for anything else, then for the sake of closure.

It is only fair for both of them.

His house felt empty without Emily. It was only a structure where he was residing, his heart being elsewhere. He was missing her terribly and was yearning to have her back in his life, if not his house. Even if it meant he could only get friendship in return. It will be challenging, but then, he will take what he can get.

He may come across as a desperate man, but hell with what others think. Emily is a remarkably beautiful woman, and he wishes nothing but happiness for her. He eyed the photograph of the two of them that he had framed a few weeks earlier.

His mother took a photo before they left for his high school reunion. It was a candid image of Emily and him standing next to each other, smiling and staring each other down. He loved that photo because it wasn't staged. Everything in it felt real. He smiled, recalling that brief time he spent with her, feeling like a teenager.

He finally slept off to sleep, filled with newfound drive and optimism.

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