Chapter 17

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"James, everything will be fine. You will be okay." Emily tried to soothe her so-called boyfriend, who was driving.

They were finally going to his hometown, Greenbury. They had almost covered four and a half hours of driving, and within a few minutes, they would reach his home.

"Shouldn't I be telling you this?" He asked her, annoyed.

Instead of her, it was he who was feeling nervous. On the other hand, Emily continued to eat her cheerios as always.

"Technically, yes. But I don't know why, I feel just fine." She shrugged. It was rather weird that she wasn't feeling squeamish or scared.

"Maybe, because I am feeling for both of us."

"Here, eat a few cheerios. It really helps to calm one down." Emily took a piece from the packet and kept it in front of James' lips.

"No, it doesn't. But I will still eat. It is not every day when Emily Penelope Martin offers you her cheerios with her own hand."

He took the piece because it was true that Emily hardly offered someone her cheerios.

"So, we will also be going to your reunion, right?" Emily asked him excitedly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Em. I may have agreed to come here, but school is altogether a different ball game." James said.

For god knows what reason, she really wants to see his school and home life.

"At least show me around," Emily said, hoping that he would say yes.

"Of course, I will. Well, here we are." James said while pulling in front of their house.

James got out of his car and grabbed their bags off the deck. However, Emily was nowhere to be found outside the car. He walked over to the passenger seat to see her anxiously staring at nothing.

"Emily, are you alright?" He asked her after opening the gate of the car.

"Nope. Now, I don't feel that great." She said while looking straight ahead.

"Have cheerios. It will calm you down." He said mockingly.

"Shut up, James." She glared at him.

"Emily, take it easy. My parents will like you. You will be fine. Come on now." He tried to comfort her with his words.

"I seriously doubt it. I mean, I am not the perfect girl to bring home to one's parents. I am way to loud." She stated this as a matter of fact.

"What makes you even think that? What is even the definition of an ideal girl? You are a girl, albeit a bit crazy, but a girl nonetheless. Then you are pretty, smart, independent, and loyal. You seem to me like a perfect girl that one would love to bring home to their family." Emily was in awe of him.

"Thanks, James," Emily said softly while getting out of the car.

"Anytime. Since I have already met your family, it is about time you met mine. Believe me, when I say this, they are going to love you." He said as he led her to his house.

When James rang the doorbell, his mother opened it in less than five seconds.

"James, my baby." His mother hugged him as soon as she saw his face.

"Hey, ma." He hugged her back and said.

"Mom, this is...." But his mother beat him to it.

"Emily!" She exclaimed, a huge smile on her face. "You're far more beautiful than he told me." Her arms were wide out as she greeted her.

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