Chapter 22

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"So, here we are," James stated as he parked his car.

Emily and James exited the vehicle and began walking towards his school.

"Not bad," She commented.

The structure of the school was like any other. The only thing that made it special was that it was James School.

"It is only school, Emily. Let's go in." James said.

He handed over his pass at the door, and they both entered the building. They then proceeded to stroll up to the hall where the main party was being hosted.

"Isn't this the famous James Anderson?" A female voice greeted him as they entered the entryway.

"Michaela," James remarked as he hugged the young lady.

"I am surprised to see you here. Even though I hope you would come here, I was certain you would have bailed on us." While hugging him back, she said.

"To be honest, I had no intention of attending, but the little birdie here just wanted to get on my nerves and convinced me to attend this stupid alumini." James rolled his eyes but nonetheless introduced Emily to his old pal.

"Well, this is Emily, my girlfriend." He could have possibly left the part about her being his girlfriend and called it a date, but the word girlfriend fluently left his mouth before he even realised it. "And Emily, this is Michaela. One of my few friends who kept me sane throughout my school years."

"Hello." Emily greeted with a warm smile.

"Hey there, Emily. But girlfriend? At long last, someone who has stolen James' heart." Michaela remarked, a teasing smirk on her face.

"You have no idea," James muttered, but both of them heard him loud and clear.

Michaela didn't doubt his words as he did look like someone who was smitten with Emily. On the other hand, his pretend-girlfriend thought that he was merely playing his role of being her boyfriend seriously.

James asked his friend about her brother. "Where is Michael? I was hoping to meet him, too."

"Yeah, he is here somewhere. He was last standing at the cocktail bar. I will go and check on him and will see you two around." Michaela bid them a temporary goodbye.

As Michaela left, James explained to Emily. "Michael is her twin, the sane one."

"Twins! Interesting." Emily said. "It's no wonder that their parents chose the names Michaela and Michael for them."

"Tell me about it. Both are polar opposites but are fun to be around. There are good people," James said, thinking about his school days.

His train of thoughts was broken when Emily muttered, "Oh, boy."

When he turned to look in the direction where Emily was looking, he saw Henry approaching them with that smug grin on his face. James groaned inwardly. He couldn't stand this guy for the life of him.

"James, I see you made it. And, if I am not mistaken, you are Emily?" Henry greeted them.

James didn't like the look that Henry was throwing at Emily, so he kept his hand around her waist possessively and drew her closer to him. Emily was taken aback by James' sudden act of possessiveness, yet she liked it at the same time. It made her feel warm and secure.

"That's correct. Where is your date? I cannot see her here?" Emily asked him with a polite smile.

"You mean Naomi? It was just a one-time thing. I met her at a party and asked her out. She was fun and definitely pretty, but not my type. I thought of bringing her here, but then I figured I might be ethically bound by her and wouldn't be able to ask you out." Henry tried to flirt her way in, and it would be an understatement to say that James was pissed.

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