Falling Rock

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So an Indian brave loves an Indian maiden from another tribe and decided to meet up with her to run off together and start their own tribe. Well the Indian brave was waiting for the Indian maiden at their meeting place and waited, and waited. The Indian maiden took a wrong turn and got lost. Finally he got his courage up and walked to her tribe. He asked what happened to her and told them what was supposed to happen. They showed mercy and decided not to kill him, if he brought her back alive. And he could marry her. So he set out in the forest. After a while, the Indian maiden found her way back to camp and asked them if they saw the Indian brave, Falling Rock. That was his name, hers is Little Dove. They said he went looking for her out in the forest. So they searched and searched, but couldn't find him.

So that is why you see signs that say "watch for Falling Rock".

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