Part 2 - Exhaustion

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Gabriel Agreste, fashion designer, widower and father of the sixteen year old model Adrien Agreste, was just walking out of his office into the large atrium of his mansion, about to climb the stairs, when he noticed his long time assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur, who had been the one, supporting him and Adrien after Emilie's, his wife's, death, sitting in an armchair in the left corner of the hallway, her eyes closed, her feet put up on another chair, scarcely covered with a blanket and by the look at her face, she obviously wasn't feeling well, cause she was white as snow.

Still feeling guilty, after everything she had done for him, how very much she had sacrificed her own happiness and even health, to take care of his son and at the same time, keep the whole company going, because Gabriel had been too busy, sulking over his misery, he slowly approached her, clearing his throat, as he sat down on the armrest of the chair, she had her feet on to not startle her too much.

She didn't say anything, neither did she open her eyes, but he noticed a small change in her demeanor and knew, she was aware of his presence and so he spoke softly, as he placed his hand on the back of her left. Her right hand was under the blanket.

"Nathalie, are you alright? You look a little sick? Is there anything, I can do for you?"

She shook her head, but gave him a weak smile.

"I'll be fine in a couple of minutes. Just needed a little break, that's all! Sorry for that!", she said with a sad voice.

Gabriel squeezed her hand very gently, then scolded her, yet he was very calm and caring, as he did:

"Don't you dare apologize for taking a well deserved rest. I just don't understand, why you wouldn't just go into your old room. Even after you moved out, I never changed anything in there. You are well aware, that it's still yours, if you need to rest or refresh or whatever might come up. I thought, I made myself clear, when I told you, that you will always be at home with us, no matter what happens in the meantime!"

"I.... Every time I go into that room, it reminds me of.....old times. And then there are those scented candles, I can sometimes even smell from down here and they are making me so sick, that I want to throw up. The whole room feels like a threatening tomb to me, when I enter it, so.... if you don't mind, I would like to just stay here for a little longer!", she explained hoarsely.

Tightening his grip around her hand, he asked:

"Can I at least get you a glass of water or something? Just tell me, Nathalie, I want to be there for you. After all, it was you, who kept me sane and alive after Emilie died!!

"Water would be great, thank you, Gabriel!", she replied meekly.

"I'll be right back, take your time!"

He stood up and went into the kitchen, to fill a glass with fresh water, then returned, seeing her grimace and press her lips together strongly, while she breathed slowly through her nose.

Knowing her for so long, he knew, she was trying to not throw up. Just as she had done back then, when they had celebrated Adrien's birthday and they all had eaten in a small, dirty restaurant and had suffered from food poisoning for more than two weeks after that.

Gabriel quickly set the water down on the table and cupped her face, wondering:

"Is there anything, I can do, Nathalie? Do you need help to get to the bathroom? You know, I won't mind, just tell me!"

But she shook her head and blindly groped for his hand, before she took a deep breath through her mouth and opened her eyes.

"I'm better already. As I said, I'll be fine in a couple of minutes!", she squeezed through gritted teeth.

"Please, Nathalie, don't lie to me! Just tell me, what's going on. I thought, we could trust each other! If you're feeling unwell, you don't have to come to work! You could've stayed in bed and let Jérôme take care of you and spoil you. What's a boyfriend good for, if he can't take care of his sick woman for a day?", the designer said sternly, a little hurt audible in his voice.

After almost three years of being there for him and Adrien 24/7, Nathalie had been struggling with a severe burn out and had been at several clinics and hospitals for more than three months. During this time, she had met Jérôme, an artist, five years younger than her, unemployed most of the time, except he was hired to decorate the walls of some shopping centre, community centers and hospital or therapy rooms in a rehab centre, as he was doing, when they met.

Nathalie didn't care about that. She knew, that her salary was more than enough for both of them and so she abandoned the Agreste mansion head over heels and moved in with him into his so called 'atelier'.

That had been about eight months ago now.

Gabriel had followed her there out of curiosity and had been shocked, when he saw the old building, but he had kept it to himself, wanting her to be happy and enjoy the life with the man, she had fallen in love so quickly with. He would have never thought, not until the day, she came back from the clinic and introduced them, that there might be another man, getting even close to earn the young assistant's affections and admiration, but when he noticed his mistake, it was already too late for him, to make a move. Never would he try to interrupt her happiness and intervene with her new found love.

But as he mentioned her boyfriend's name right now, he could see her frown and took her hand into both his own, before he even dared to wonder:

"Come on, dear, what's going on between the two of you? Did you have a fight? I am sure, it wasn't that bad. He'll see, how wrong he was and come around!"

Nathalie shook her head again, then groaned and held her temples.

"Want some aspirin with the water?", the concerned man asked.

Now she reacted strongly and almost shouted:

"No, thank you, but I can't!"

Gabriel looked at her with bewilderment.

"But why? Is there something, I don't....wait!"

He gave her a closer look, than he had for weeks now and took a sharp breath.

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