Part 19 - Answering Questions

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Though the younger couple had blushed deeply red, they had agreed to having a conversation all together, while taking in their meal. After ordering her special food, Nathalie had ended the call and suggested to have a seat in front of the fireplace for now, so they would be more comfortable in the armchairs. Sitting at the dining table felt to her, as if they were interrogating the teenagers instead of having a serious, but kind and friendly talk about all the things going on in their bodies and minds.

"So, uhm", she hesitantly begun, "what was the actual lie? That you haven't gone as far as having sexual intercourse or that you agreed on taking it slow?"

Adrien cleared his throat, while Marinette gushed out:

"Well, we haven't done the last step, to make that clear! Though....", she gazed carefully at the blond boy, "....if Nino and Alya hadn't come barging into the room, we most likely would have!"

"I see!", Nathalie tried to stay calm, "so the lie was rather about taking it slow! Why did you think, you could act as if it wasn't a lie, Adrien?"

He told her with blushed cheeks and without making eye contact, that they really had said that. Last year.

Despite her attempt of staying angry, the young woman couldn't hide a grin.

"Nice loophole, Adrien. Still, I am glad, that you decided to tell the truth. You know what could happen, if you eventually take the last step? At least, if you're not thinking it through at first and take care of any contraceptives? I know, I am the absolutely wrong person to talk about that right now, but....", she inhaled deeply, then went on, "maybe the situation I am in makes me just the perfect person, to talk to you about everything. If you have any questions, just ask them!"

The teenagers gazed at each other, then back at the female to their right, who was sitting in one of the white leather chairs, her hand intertwined with Gabriel's.

"As we're at it anyway, Nathalie, how did you get into the situation, you're in just now? I mean, you seemed so happy, when you met him and now.... After hearing him speak, I can't imagine, how you were able to fall for this guy! And you, dad, should have told Nathalie how you feel ages ago! That could've spared her from being treated so badly!", Adrien now raised his voice at his father.

Squeezing the woman's hand very gently, Gabriel was the first to respond:

"You're right, Adrien! I made a huge mistake, when I let Nathalie leave! But I really thought, he would make her happy and I didn't want to be in the way! If I had been able to foresee...."

He sighed and gave the assistant an apologetic glare.

"Stop! It was my decision, to move in with him and to let him treat me the way, he did! Your dad was really sweet, when I told him, though I could tell, that he was at least a little bit hurt! If only I had known, that he loved me just as much, as I loved him.... But that's a completely different story! Jérôme demanded the second I told him about the baby, that I either would get an abortion or he would break up with me. He gave me time until the end of the first trimester, which would be in two days from now! No matter how many times I told him, that I will keep the baby, he didn't believe me! He really thought, I was so dependent on him, that I would give in last minute!", the pregnant female explained calmly, while gently rubbing her only slightly visible bump.

The designer grinned evilly and leaned in to place a tender kiss on her cheek, before he told them about all the things, they had spoken about and agreed on. And that he had offered to not only raise the child with Nathalie, but also, that he loved her and would very much like to be with her too.

"And despite being a little sceptical at first, I soon could tell, that he was serious and told him, that I love him too and that I will gladly be with him and raise the baby as ours. But before I could tell him that, I had to do something very important and that was, calling Jérôme and breaking up with him. That's why he came here today! He is scared, that from now on, he has to work for his expenses again!", she told them with a sigh.

"Can you already feel the baby kicking?", came now reluctantly from the young man.

The assistant shook her head.

"It's too early, Adrien. It will take at least five or six more weeks, until I will be able to barely feel it. Until someone can do so from the outside, I guess a couple more will pass!", she said almost apologetically.

Gabriel though smiled and crouched down in front of her, gesturing his son to come over.

"That you can't feel it already doesn't mean, that Nathalie won't enjoy the touch and the caressing, right my love?"

The female though shrugged.

"I don't know about that. The only one, except myself, caressing my stomach until now, was you, so... But I won't mind, if you wanted to give it a try, Adrien!", she hummed softly.

The boy had approached them and was now kneeling next to his father on the tiled floor, his hand trembling, as he slowly moved it towards the pregnant woman's belly.

Laughing Nathalie now took it into her own and placed it on her lower abdomen.

"You don't have to be shy or scared, honey! Though not biological, as the things are just now, it will be your little brother or sister. So, feel free to make the first contacts. That you can't feel the baby already, doesn't mean, the baby isn't aware, that there are people outside of my body, who love him or her and pay attention, right?", she whispered.

"Right!", Adrien said with a beaming smile and after a short moment, he tenderly rubbed the tiny bump in little circles. 

"I have to admit", the young woman now sighed, "I really like all the attention. It feels nice to be cared for!"

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