Part 12 - Vigilance

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"What else?", she hissed, blowing her nose into a tissue, he had handed her from the box on his nightstand.

"Come here and relax for a little longer, love!", he held out his arm and she quickly snuggled into his embrace, "I noticed something, twice actually, that worried me a lot. When you called him and he shouted at you, you flinched. The same happened, when I hit my head and yelled at the nightstand. Just tell me, dear, did he somehow physically hurt you? I promise, I won't get mad at 'you'! But I need you to tell me the truth."

"He yells and shouts a lot. But he only hit me once and it was an accident. He was....well.... it wasn't an accident like he was making a quick move and I was in the way, but he wasn't planning on hitting me, just pretending to do so and then stop shortly before he really touched me, just....", Nathalie narrated quietly.

"Just? Just what? Why would he do that at all? To threaten you? To show you, what would happen next time, though this time he stopped in time? Maybe you were lucky, he didn't, so you were alert! When was that, darling? Before you told him you're pregnant or after?", the man spoke calmly, though on the inside he was already fuming.

"It was two weeks ago. But I went to the doctor right away and he told me, that nothing happened to the baby!", she replied without making eye contact.

Gabriel though scooted down to her and made her look at him once more, when he questioned:

"Did I just hear you right? He hit you there?"

The man pointed at her belly.

Nathalie nodded under tears and he could tell, that she felt bad about him asking.

"Whatever set him up, Nathalie, it wasn't your fault and there is nothing, that could justify this behaviour! But now I understand, why you tensed, when I first laid my hand onto your belly, right? You were instinctively protective because you had already been attacked. Damn it, woman, why didn't you come to me and talk to me about it? It's been six weeks, since he told you, he doesn't want the baby. You could have been safe with me and happy! Come, let me help you up and into the bathroom. And then, I really want you to go back to bed and rest! I will take care of your remaining tasks for today. Just take your time to heal! Mentally I mean. I will protect you from ever getting into a situation like this one again, my love!"

Gabriel's voice had been trembling from the mere effort of not raising it or showing his fury. The exhausted female gave him a soft smile, to then take the hands, he was holding out to her and let him slowly pull her to her feet.

She squeezed them shortly, then tried to let go, yet the caring man kept them in a tight grasp and so she scolded him very sweetly:

"Gabriel, I am not even full three months pregnant! You don't have to help me walk or stand. I find it really cute though, but I think, I can use the toilet all by myself!"

The designer, who still stood naked in front of her, objected:

"I am sure, you are fully physically capable of doing that, but your still all worked up emotionally and I would like to stay with you, just to make sure, everything is alright! If you allow me, of course!"

"How about a compromise? I'll go to the bathroom on my own and if you didn't mind, you could go to my desk and bring my purse up here, so I can show you the ultrasound pictures!", the female suggested with pleading eyes and of course he understood, that she didn't want to pee in front of him, so he agreed, yet asked:


"Mhm! I got one at the first examination and another, when I went to the doctor two weeks ago, when, well, you know!"

"Oh, I get it! I'll quickly run that errant for you and afterwards, I would really like, to join you in the shower, if you'd like that!"

The tall man had lowered his voice for this last proposal and Nathalie's immediate reaction made him grin.

Both their hands had still been intertwined and the just as naked woman had subconsciously closed the gap between them and was now with her breast firmly pushing against him, to only seconds later feel his reaction, being his member coming to life again and almost jolting up to then poke into her stomach.

"T-Toilet!", she muttered and let go off him, then rushed through the bathroom door and slammed it shut behind her. She leaned with her back against it, while she took a couple of trembling breaths.

Gabriel just stood there thunderstruck, then looked around his bedroom, trying to find his robe and eventually saw it lying beside his bed, as it had slipped down from there earlier, when he had placed Nathalie on the duvet.

He quickly put it on and hurried down the stairs and into his office, where he turned sharp left, because that was the place, where his assistant's desk was.

Her so called purse was basically a travelling bag, according to size and appearance. Grabbing it, he noticed the weight and was shocked.

"I need to have a serious talk with Nathalie about that! It's not as if she had to carry around that many things at all, no matter, if she lived here or there. It's way too heavy for a pregnant woman!", the instantly concerned man thought.

As soon as he entered his bedroom, Gabriel noticed, that something was wrong. Dropping the back and rushing towards the bathroom door, he knocked, yet didn't get a response.

The designer opened the door a tiny bit, just to see the woman, he loved, kneel before the toilet. Obviously she had just thrown up and was now trying to get the still ongoing gagging under control. Failing epically, she soon began to vomit again, her whole body convulsing as it seemed from the reflex.

Gabriel quickly approached her and knelt down at her side, to then lay one hand gently on her back, drawing soothing circles, until the female could eventually stop and grab for a piece of toilet paper to wipe her mouth. Then she took another for the tears, which had started to flow due to her puking.

Nathalie, despite feeling embarrassed, that he had seen her like that, couldn't help but feel a lot better, the very moment, the man, she had been in love with for years, even when his wife, who had been a close friend to her, was still alive, pulled her into his arms and held her taut.

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