Part 26 - A Magical Wedding

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As if she was in trance, Nathalie let Gabriel help her into the perfectly fitting, creme-white dress, after he had also brought her the matching underwear, before she went into the bathroom to do her make up. She groaned as she looked into the mirror over the sink, seeing the dark rings underneath her eyes and the still reddened nose and tear stained cheeks.

"Don't look so sad, my love. You will always look gorgeous to me. If it was only for me you could just go without any make up. But this day is supposed to be for you, Nathalie, so just do whatever you like. We all tried our best to make today very special for you, but if you liked to have another big wedding, once we have time to prepare, we could do that after the baby is born, so you could handle all the stress with more ease. But right now I will give you the time you need and get ready myself. As far as I am informed, the ceremony will start in about an hour, so no need for you to rush. I'll be back with you in no time."

"Wait!" Nathalie called after him. "i need a very deep and long kiss before I can let you leave."

WIth a smirk Gabriel returned from the other room he had already been in and smashed his lips onto hers.

"Better?" He asked when they eventually parted again. Her breathing quickened, Nathalie just nodded and nudged him towards the door.

"If you don't leave now, I certainly will do the opposite of getting dressed. So hurry and get into your suit or tuxedo. What will it be, by the way?" She queried.

"Let's keep at least my attire a secret until we stand before the altar, alright my love?"

Nathalie sighed and hummed.

"Fine. But leave now, so I won't have to wait too long to finally figure it out."

He chuckled and pecked her lips again, then rushed towards her old bedroom, where he had kept his new, grey tuxedo with the darker collar and cuffs, so she wouldn't see it and by that ruin his surprise. 

It was more than half an hour later, when Marinette knocked gently on the frame of the bathroom door and glanced inside. Hearing the pregnant woman let out a sigh of relief, she giggled.

"I guess you could use another female's hand to help you with the hair, if I understood that sigh right?" She teased her.

"I can handle the hair, Marinette. It's the make up I keep struggling with. Usually I do only a tiny bit to look appropriate to be the assistant of the most famous fashion designer in the world. But to make myself look worthy of marrying said designer, well, that's a totally different league."

The young woman shook her head over the pained expression and the tears which were glistening in Nathalie's eyes.

"You are a very beautiful woman, Nath. Gabriel loves you so much, no matter if you make the perfect appearance or not. To him you will always look gorgeous. But if you come with me into your bedroom, as there is a lot more space, I can have a look and make some suggestions. You'll just have to apply it yourself before I accidentally poke out one of your eyes or something. You know how clumsy I can be." The teenager laughed.

Even Nathalie managed to grin to that.

"I do trust you to manage that perfectly, but I won't pressure you either. I am already so happy that you came here to offer your 'assistance'."

They snickered both now.

"Yeah, I'm assisting the most perfect assistant who ever existed!" Marinette scoffed. "I am not even sure, if I should feel honoured or rather reluctant, because I will never be able to come close to the things you have already achieved!"

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