Part 28 - Punishment

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It turned out soon that Jerome had not only been spying on the couple but had also been working with a rather dubious lawyer who had hired a private investigator to find out whatever he could about Gabriel and Nathalie to find any weak spot where they could attack. 

It was none other than Audrey Bourgeois who, after being accused of letting the information about their wedding leak, had called her own lawyer to figure out the truth, who then had given the information to Gabriel.

The designer had instantly called Roger Raincomprix and said officer had been able to not only get a hold of the artist but also of the private investigator and both had been brought in to be interrogated. Sadly they had to let them both go afterwards until the trial would be held. Nathalie had gained a restraining order against her former boyfriend and due to that he was forced to keep at least one hundred meters distance to her. 

Sighing in relief, when she held the document in hand, Nathalie, by now already twenty-two weeks pregnant, let herself fall into an armchair.

Gabriel knelt down beside her and asked with concern.

"Everything alright? How's the little one doing? And even more important, how are you doing?"

She smiled at him wearily, then said.

"We're both fine, just exhausted. But from now on, nobody will be able to threaten us any more and everything will turn out good."

The designer agreed, as he pecked her cheek.

"You're right, everything will be wonderful. Wouldn't you agree?"

He kissed her belly, being instantly greeted with the baby nudging against his lips.

Nathalie chuckled.

"It's the same every time. Since you felt him or her for the first time, as soon as you touch the belly with any part of your body, the baby tries to make contact. It's utterly cute!"

Gabriel grinned.

"She knows her daddy!"

Sighing his wife shook her head.

"What are you going to do if it's a little boy, Gabriel? Dress him in girl's clothes?!"

They laughed together.

"I would be just as happy if it was a boy, but I somehow have this hunch, that it's indeed a little lady!" He responded like he did every time she posed this question.

"Did you know that the children have a bet going about the gender? Marinette agrees with you while Adrien is very certain that he'll get a little brother. I put in fifty on the baby's gender. Maybe you would like to join? There is also a second category according to the birth date. So, the one who gets the gender right and is the closest to the final birthday, will get all the money!" Nathalie told him.

"So, you bet on our child being a boy, right?"

Nathalie shook her head again.

"No! I agree with you that it's a girl. But if we both bet on that, we just need to get closest with the date. So, tell me, are you in?" She pried.

The tall man laughed as he nodded.

"The hell I am! Where is my son? I will make him feel bad as a punishment first. That he even dares to bet on his little siblings sex."

Still laughing over his antics, Nathalie slowly followed him up the stairs, when she saw someone in front of the gate, watching the house and the premises.

"Gabriel, wait. Look out the window and tell me if that's Jerome out there, please!" She called him back.

He hurried to her side and observed the sidewalk on the other side of the street closely, then nodded.

"It is him. And this time, I'll have him arrested. This is closer than a hundred meters!"

He pulled out his phone and dialled officer Raincomprix' number. After informing the policeman about his wife's stalker lurking outside the gate, he hung up and laid his arm around the trembling woman.

"Relax, darling. Roger said he'll send some of his man in an instant and he'll even come here himself to arrest that despicable arsehole. Don't give me that look. His words, not mine. You should just go and get some rest. As far as I remember, we'll have an appointment early tomorrow morning. And then we will find out our baby's sex. Now I will go and place my bet, so nobody can accuse me of cheating, because I already knew it." He told her calmly.

"You're right. I would just feel a lot better if someone told me, he had been locked away for good already."

Gabriel bent down and kissed her lips tenderly.

"I am sure he will be sooner or later. At least if he continues to stalk you or us the way he did those last weeks. Now please, darling, stop thinking about anything bad and go to bed. I promise to follow you as soon as this piece of shit has been removed and then I will show you how much love and pleasure you truly deserve. And maybe I will even punish you for worrying once again instead of leaving all bad thoughts to me!" He said the last bit with wiggling eyebrows.

Nathalie smirked at him lecherously. Then she muttered hoarsely.

"Oho, Mr Agreste. That's a completely new side on you I haven't seen yet. I feel intrigued. And I can't wait to receive said punishment. But maybe you deserve to be punished too, if you let me wait for too long again. Just like last night when you had to finish that design before coming to bed early as you had promised. You still haven't apologised adequately for that, my dearest husband. So maybe it's you who should be shivering in anticipation of what lies ahead of you!"

Gabriel groaned and pulled at the crotch of his trousers.

"Oh fuck, Nath, you're doing it again. You got me hard with only a few words. Be prepared for what's to come. I will make you scream my name over and over again. And then I will fuck you until we both pass out."

He made himself tall in front of her, taking a firm hold of her wrists to then pin them against the reiling behind her.

"Oh God, I can't wait, Gabriel. just forget about Jerome and what the police will do to him. I need you to do exactly what you told me. Now!"

With a lewd grin he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her the last steps to their bedroom, shutting the door with his hip as he passed it, then sat her down on the bed.

"Your wish is my command, Mrs Agreste!" He whispered as he started to undress her.

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