Part 8 - Clean cuts

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"I can't...I.... I can't do this!", she stammered, "I love, that you're offering to care for me and my baby and I really love, how you try to convince me, that you've been in love with me for so long, but as far as I know and as far as Jérôme knows, I am still in a relationship with him. I have a couple of principles and to never cheat on another person is one of them. I am asking you now, to respect that. If you do love me, what I still can't believe, then you will be able to hold back and let me handle this situation before I decide, alone and without feeling the way I do just now, what I'm about to do. Can you accept that?"

He had an evil grin on his lips, when he responded:

"May I add a few conditions from my point of view to that 'agreement'?", he mused.

"I am very sure, that I should say no, but..... that wouldn't be fair, so....okay, you should have the same rights as I have!", the female admitted reluctantly.

"I have only two conditions, love! My first is, that you take my phone, right here and now, to call the pathetic prick and tell him, where he should go. The other one is, that I want an answer to my question, Nathalie. Will you let me take care of the both of you and help you raise this child. I'm not asking for a decision, according any sort of relationship between us. Just tell me, if you want to do this with me!", the famous Parisian demanded.

Nathalie's eyes brimmed with tears, as she took the phone, he handed her and dialled her soon to be ex-boyfriend's number with trembling fingers.

The moment he answered the call, Gabriel heard him yell:

"Who's bothering me?"

He also saw, how the woman, who was still in his arms, flinched and furrowed his brows.

"It's me!", she said weakly.

"I told you, to not disturb me, when I'm working!", he bellowed, making Gabriel scoff. Then the designer placed a hand on the back of Nathalie's neck and pulled her closer. He kissed the side of her head, then whispered into her ear:

"Don't get all worked up! I'm right here with you and I will always have your back! You don't need that scumbag!"

Nathalie took a deep breath, then nodded.

Covering the microphone of his phone, she whispered:

"You're right, I don't need him. I don't need anyone! And I will let him hear that!"

Then she inhaled deeply and with a cold, emotionless voice, she said:

"I'm calling you, to inform you about my latest decision, meaning, that this is the very last contact you'll ever have with me or my child. Don't even start, you wanted me to kill it, so it's my child alone. I still can't believe, that I fell for your lies and your obviously fake kindness, but I am done with you Jérôme and I am done with us. Oh and by the way, there will be a few people arriving at your place, to gather my things and you should better let them inside and they also better find my stuff intact and in the places, I told them they would be. Do you understand that? Good, because if they won't find it that way, they might get a little aggressive towards you. Imagine, something would happen to your precious hands, while you were trying to protect yourself! We wouldn't want that, would we? Very well! I can hear in your voice, that you did understand me! Goodbye Jérôme and don't even dare to ever bother me again!"

She ended the call, then began to shake all over and looked at the designer, who was still holding her, right now mostly to keep her from falling over, and cried out:

"I did it! I stood up to him! And I had the strength to do it, because of you Gabriel!"

With tears running down her cheeks, Nathalie cupped his jaw with her hands, then whispered softly:

"I accepted and pushed through your first condition and now I am going to do so with the second and give you an answer. But, I want to add another thing on my behalf. But I can only tell you after I answered your question. Are you okay with that?"

He gulped heavily, because without even noticing, the young woman had scooted closer with every word and was now already straddling his lap, then hoarsely squeezed out:

"I'm more than okay with it!"

She nodded contently, then said enthusiastically:

"The answer is yes! I want to do this with you. And I lied just a few minutes ago, when I told you that I don't need him or anyone. Because the truth is, I need 'you'! And I want the whole package, meaning, I want to really be with you too. And that brings me to 'my' condition!"

"I'm listening!", Gabriel mouthed, his voice completely gone by now.

The desperate female groaned and begged him:

"Do I have to speak it out again? When I told you, that I need you, I meant in more than one way. And I wasn't kidding earlier I really, really, really need to get laid!"

Nathalie had hoped, he would immediately continue, where they had stopped right before, but instead the man stood up and helped her to her feet, then lifted her head up by placing two fingers under her chin and made her look at him. Seeing the frown and the new tears, that were about to fall, he grabbed her hand and muttered:

"Let's go to a more private place for that, love. I wouldn't be very fond of getting us into the situation of anyone, seeing us out here, right?"

"Oh.... o-of course!", was all the worked up woman could gush out, before he pulled her with him up the couple of stairs and through the glass doors.

Knowing, that Adrien would be in school for a couple more hours, they were all over each other, before they even reached the stairs, kissing and tearing off their clothes, they barely made it into Gabriel's bedroom, where he parted their lips for a moment and gave her an intense look from head to toe.

Nathalie felt flustered, as she was only in her bra, though her work pants were still in place and asked timidly:

"Is there something you don't like? I know, I already started to show a tiny bit, but....!"

He laughed over her statement in disbelief.

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