Part 20 - Please don't come in!

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Time went by quickly and soon Nathalie couldn't hide her small bump any longer and so she just stopped trying. Being almost eighteen weeks pregnant by now, she couldn't wait to eventually feel her baby for the first time.

Though she usually would be the first one awake in the house, lately she liked sleeping in and then getting up slowly, knowing, that Gabriel would have already made breakfast for Adrien and her.

He even had, with Marinette's help, worked on his pancake recipe and they were incredible by now. 

Today though, she didn't feel all too well and groaned, as she turned from her side to her back, holding her slightly protruding belly with two hands.

A short glimpse at the time made her gasp. It was already past ten o'clock, meaning she had overslept more than three hours. Trying to relax a little bit to ease the pain, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths then tensed all the muscles in her belly and sighed in relief, when she heard a loud sound and the gas, which had caused her pain, was released into the air.

At the very same moment, she heard a knock on the door and took a sharp breath, which made her crinkle her nose. The smell was nauseating. Before the young woman was able to say anything, the door was pushed open slowly and Gabriel's head appeared in the gap.

"Are you alright?", he asked angstily.

Nathalie nodded quickly and responded:

"Yes, I'm fine! Please don't come in here right now, yeah?"

But instead of closing the door again, he pushed it open completely, his eyes narrowed, asking:

"Is there anything wrong, love? Don't you feel well? There is nothing to be embarrassed about!"

She scoffed, then grimaced, as she couldn't hold another loud wind and quickly hid her face in  her hands.

Gabriel though began to laugh.

"Was that the reason, you didn't want me to come in, darling? Because you feel ashamed of the sounds your butt makes? Please! I know, that's a huge issue in the beginning of many relationships, but damn it, Nathalie, I really thought, we were past things like that! And on top of that, you're pregnant, so, that's even more likely to happen!", he ranted.

"If only it was just the noise!", she lamented, "please stay there and don't come closer, so you won't smell...."

Now the designer broke into a guffaw. 

"Oh please, love! If that's already making you feel bad, what are you going to do, when you're giving birth to the baby? You are aware of the things, that happen then, right?", he teased her. Then he paused and gave her a stern look. If you want me there with you, I mean. It's your decision after all and maybe you'd rather not have me in the delivery room!"

Nathalie noticed, that he looked hurt, when he asked that, yet felt a little shy herself and so she instead of giving him an answer, posed another question:

"Well, I am not sure about that. I...uhm, would you even want to be there? I mean, it's not your... responsibility after all, I can be glad that you even offered to...."

He closed the remaining space between them with a few steps and pressed his lips onto hers to stop her from speaking any further.

"Stop saying things like that! I love you and this baby! And nothing could make me more happy, than being there with and for you, while you're going through all the pain! Well, there are a few things, which would make me more happy, than seeing you in pain, but..."

"I get it, Gabriel! And I'm more than grateful for the offer! I really want you there! I in fact need you there! So...I guess, that's decided, right?", Nathalie hummed sheepishly.

He shook his head in disbelief. 

"There still isn't any reason to be flustered, love!", Gabriel muttered, then pecked her lips again, before asking, "how are you feeling, today? You certainly look, as if you were in pain. Are you hurting, Nathalie?"

The pregnant woman smiled at him gently, then kissed him more passionate.

"It's just the gas in my stomach, which is hurting. It has already gotten a lot better than it had been, when I woke up. So, no need to worry, Gabriel!", she then replied.

"Oh, that's good. Would you like to have your breakfast in bed? I will gladly carry it up here and I wouldn't even mind, to feed you with it. Maybe spoil you a little bit, while I'm already around!"

He wiggled his eyebrows and made her laugh.

"You can't even imagine, how mean you are right now! I would love to let you spoil me, but.... I couldn't enjoy that, if I was, I'll just tell it as it is, if I was farting!", she rambled.

The designer pulled her into his arms again, laughing and his head shaking once more.

"Just shut your mouth and get into the bathroom already! I'll be right back with both our breakfast. And you know what? I'll eat a whole package of cheese, while I'm down there, without taking any kind of pill with it, so I'm going to be the one, making the most and loudest sounds with my arse! How's that? Would that make you feel better? Or at least less ashamed?", the compassionate man now suggested.

Nathalie giggled over his proposal.

"That might help me, feel less embarrassed, but.... I know, how those farts smell, when you didn't take your pills and your lactose intolerant bowel starts acting up. I love, that you're offering, but I would rather have you here with me and feel flustered, than ruining the whole day, because I start vomiting again!", she mocked him with a cocky grin.

"Oh?", he played along, "are you trying to tell me, that I will have to endure this 'aroma' all morning, while you can just insult me, by saying such mean stuff?", he teasingly whispered against the skin of her neck, right underneath her ear.

"Do that again and I won't care about disturbing body functions any longer, as long as you can work a little of your magic between my thighs, honey!", she moaned instantaneously.

"Fuck, I'll take you at your word, Nath, as soon as you have had something to eat, okay?", he groaned.

"Well, I have an idea about that, Sir!", she mused and crawled along his body until she reached the hem of his trousers.

"Oh God, Nathalie, what are you...oh yes, I like that idea!", he cried out hoarsely.

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