Part 11 - Nathalie's commitment

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Blushing she slapped her hand to her mouth, but the lovestruck man just smiled at her and pulled her into his arms.

"I like, how your body reacts to my touch, Nathalie, no need to feel flustered. But, though I wouldn't object to a second round, I need a bit of time before I am able for that, dear. Though...", he looked lecherously down to her crotch, "I 'could' finish, where I started before we...."

She laughed over his comment and shook her head.

"Believe me, I am way too exhausted right now, to even want another orgasm. The one or rather the few, which were overlapping and slipping into one another, were so intense, that I still feel weak and though I really need to use the bathroom, I can't even bring myself to get up and walk there!"

To the look he gave her, after she told him about that, Nathalie just smiled and whispered:

"Relax, it's a good feeling and nothing to worry about! Should I speak that out loud? Oh bugger that, I will. You should be proud of what you just caused in me. Because never before have I been feeling so wholesomely and completely happy and content with my life, as I am just now! The only thing, that could top that right now, would be, if this", she laid a hand on her lower abdomen, "was yours!"

"Don't do that!", the man gushed out quickly, his eyes narrowing, "it doesn't matter to me and so it shouldn't to you either. You said earlier, that you loved your baby the second you could see the two lines on the test! Don't make the common mistake to project the negative feelings you have towards 'him' on your child, Nathalie! First, because the baby doesn't deserve that and second, you my dearest are far away from just being one of the 'common' people! I love you and just like that, I love this little person, who is growing inside your womb, the same!"

The female beamed at him and nodded, then agreed:

"You're right. Still it would be nice, if it was 'ours'!"

Now he started to grin mischievously.

"Who said, we can't try for another after this one?", he suggested with a wink, then his expression changed and he said sternly, "to be honest, I really would like that. But for now", he scooted a bit around so his mouth was directly above her belly, "we are both very eager to meet you! And once Adrien knows about you, he certainly will be looking forward to meet you as well. So", he crawled back to her face, cooing, "how do you feel about that? Are you okay with telling Adrien about everything, including us? And please, don't be afraid to tell me, if this is too much too soon", another smirk appeared on his lips, as he teased her, "I promise, to tend to your needs, even if you aren't ready for a commitment. And even if you will never feel the way, I do, I also won't stop to love you or 'our' child. From now on, it's all about you, feeling as good as possible!"

"Would you please stop saying all those sweet things? You're making me cry again, s-see?", she rambled, then buried her face into the crook of his neck and cried quietly for some time.

Gabriel only smiled and held her, comfortingly rubbing her back, as he knew, this was a happy crying.

"Hm", he then carefully began, "there have come up a couple of questions in my mind and I think, at least two of them can't wait, so if you are okay with me, being a little interrogative..."

Sniffling Nathalie sat up and gave him a light smile, then nodded.

"There is something I need to tell you before I can answer any questions. Before I met Jérôme, I was still clinging on to the thought, that you will at some point notice me and start to reciprocate my feelings. But then there was this kind and sweet, young painter, who just overwhelmed me and showed me how it felt to be loved and in love. Wait, don't interrupt me please. I was so blinded by his personality and the way he treated me, that I didn't even try to look behind his mask. What I am trying to tell you, even if I went with him and am carrying his child, which he rejected from the first second he knew about it, I never stopped loving you. And today, when you were so sweet and caring and looked at me like you did, all those feelings came back completely and when I said, I never before have felt the way I do right now. I love you too Gabriel, with all I got! So there is no need to worry about telling Adrien or anyone else. I am here with you and I want to be with you and I would gladly yell it over all Paris, but 'that's' definitely your decision, because it's 'your' reputation and career, which could get damaged if people find out, that you're screwing your assistant!", she told him with a smile, yet still wiping a few tears away. "So, what was it, you wanted to ask?"

The man was speechless for a moment, then beamed at her and whispered hoarsely:

"I love you, Nathalie Sancoeur! And I don't care, who will find out about it. I would too like to yell it all over the city, with a megaphone, from the top of the Eiffel tower!"

He then kissed her passionately until the woman pulled back, giving him a stern look.

"I like that, a lot, but you had some questions and if they are that important, you should ask them now, because I really need to go to the bathroom soon! So?"

"Well, first of all, 'I' would love to see that ultrasound picture of your little baby! 'Our' little baby! I know, it's not really a question, but....", Gabriel pleaded and saw her tearing up once again. But he had expected that, after she had told him earlier, that her so called boyfriend hadn't even looked at the image of 'his' child.

"I-It's down in the o-office on my desk! You can see it, once I've t-taken a shower and got dressed. I can't go d-downstairs like that! Adrien could come home for lunch again and he shouldn't see me like this! And don't suggest to wear your robe, I won't!", the assistant told him.

Her attempts to not cry failed and he could tell, she was getting angry on herself for that.

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