Chapter 1

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"Y/n, over here!"

"Y/n which team are you picking?"

I lowly ducked my head down as my shades stayed clad over my face. I pushed my way through the paps to make it to my car along with my bodyguards trying to make it back to my apartment. I was just a college junior, I had the slightest clue on how the hell I've become so famous over the years. Yes, I was an all American player in high school, I led my team to a championship in high school and got 2 rings during my time here at UCLA, and I was named best Point Guard in the state. But I didn't think shit would happen this fast. After pushing through all the annoying ass paps, I shut the door to the SUV and sat back as my driver pulled off. I'm Y/n Y/ln, starting point guard of the UCLA Bruins. I plan to enter the nba draft this year, our season is over and we had a huge upset in our lost in the tournament against Iowa. And although we lost, I was still one of the top prospects in college history. I got out of the SUV after it pulled up next to my apartment complex, after thanking my driver and tipping him for the day. I made my way through the double doors greeting the receptionist before rushing to the elevator before it shut on me. After a few seconds of the elevator going up, I walked off making it to my front door. I opened it and jumped a bit to see my sister sitting on the couch. I gotta take my key back from that girl

"You know I'm pretty sure you have your own apartment to go to" I said placing my gym bag on the kitchen island

"Calm down fudge sack I'm just here for a little bit" She sighed and I chuckled

"Just kidding. How's the douchebag boyfriend of yours?" I said plopping down on the couch

"Still a douchebag" She said flickering through channels

"Why not leave him Shana?" I asked and she sighed

"I honestly don't know"

"Don't wait on him to change Shay, you know he's not going to"

"I know" She said

"Don't give me a reason to beat his ass" I said standing up and heading to the fridge

"Have you watched scream 5?" I heard Shana ask and I shook my head

"Nope, but I've been wanting to" I said grabbing two waters

"Thanks" She said as I handed her the water

"What you waiting for sis? Put it on" I said sliding out of my slippers

"Damn sorry" She said pressing the movie

"So how was the gym?" She asked and I shrugged

"Same as always, better progress, better game" I said and she chuckled

"Keep it up you'll be the first pick in the draft" She said and I smiled focusing on the movie

"Jenna Ortega is such a bad bitch" She said and I nodded

"She sure is" I said staring at the TV

"I should've know better than to expect you not to agree with me" She said and she was right

I had an unhealthy obsession with Jenna Ortega and she knew it. But a guy can only dream

"Can you imagine getting to date her? Such a fucking blessing" She said and I shook my head still mesmerized by the girl on my tv screen

"I can only do so much of it" I mumbled

"Your obsession with her is so fucking unhealthy" She chuckled

"Basketball players have dreams too motherfucker" I laughed

"Ready for the combine?" She asked and I scoffed

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