Chapter 4

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Three weeks before the draft combine

I'm currently in my private basketball court, getting some shots up with my trainer. It's been a couple weeks since I've seen Jenna in person since she's been shooting for her Character Tara Carpenter for 'Scream VI' and for Wednesday Addams in her new Netflix series 'Wednesday'. We've talked on the phone pretty much almost every night and have sent texts but we've both have been busy with her shooting nonstop and me in the gym nonstop preparing for the draft combine in a few weeks. Melissa and Jasmine have sent me texts, wishing me luck and also checking on Shana since she's been pretty shaken up since her breakup. I told her she's allowed to stay with me for as long as she likes no matter if she's comfortable with leaving or not.

"Come on, Y/nn get that shot up" my trainer passed the ball as I shot it and it perfectly swished through the net

"Good good, go left middy" He said causing me to run left and shoot from the midrange

"That's good" He said as the ball swished once again

"I want you to keep working on your shot, it was good during college but it's starting to get a lot more consistent. You show that consistency in the combine, they'll be very impressed" Marc my trainer said and I nodded catching my breath

"Now let me see what that vertical is looking like" He said and I ran towards the basket as he threw it up causing me to jump and catch it before forcefully slamming the ball down into the basket

"Whew, now that's what I'm talking about. Your vertical has always been high, I want you to get some more reps in tomorrow for that vertical and keep working on that follow through for your jumper. Your playmaking and defense is the least of our worries because I know you got that down pact but, you will get humbled quick in the nba, it wouldn't hurt to just work all around your playstyle" He said and I nodded

"Alright gotcha" I said and he nodded

"Alright, I think we're done for the day. I'll see you tomorrow" He said and I nodded walking to my bag

It's been real nerve racking thinking of all that's happening. Between all of the overwhelming feels I get being out around paparazzi and press, this draft combine, it's a lot to take in at a young age. I sat down and sighed to myself about how tired I was, thinking about how much work I've been doing in the past few months to prepare myself. I need a break. I pulled my phone out to text Jenna, hopefully she's finished shooting

Y/n❤️: Hey, you still shooting?

Jenna❤️: Yes unfortunately 😩 But I should be finished pretty soon, I only have one more scene to shoot for the day

Y/n❤️: That's good

Jenna❤️: How's practice going ??

Y/n❤️: I'm all finished, went pretty good though

Y/n❤️: How's shooting going ?

Jenna❤️: Ugh it's so amazing and fun but it's also tiring!

Y/n❤️: what are you doing later tonight ?

Jenna❤️: eh, probably gonna go home and binge watch some movies, you ?

Y/n❤️: Are you saying you wanna do me or asking what I'm doing ? 👀

Jenna❤️: ....

Jenna❤️: Both 🙂

Y/n❤️: 😦😦

Y/n❤️: *bombastic side eye*

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