Chapter 13

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Jenna's POV
Father's Day

I slowly opened my eyes after I felt tiny little kisses on my shoulder, seeing Y/n smiling at me while slipping his shorts on. I gave him a tired small smile before stretching my limbs and pulling the blanket over my nude body

"Well good morning" He chuckled and I smiled

"Good morning" I yawned

"How'd you sleep?" He asked

"Best sleep I've had in months" I giggled

"Good" He said kissing my forehead

"You know, by how amazing you were last night, I'm starting to question if you really only had sex once in your lifetime" I playfully furrowed my eyebrows causing him to laugh

"Promise it was only once, but don't forget porn exists" He said

"Well, I'm gonna help mom with breakfast. You go ahead and shower and come down once you're done" He said kissing my lips

"Okay" I smiled as I watched him walk out before closing the door

I laid my head back on the pillow as I thought about the events that happened last night. Y/n was so perfect, he made sure my first time was memorable, and goddamn it was. The way he took his time with me, hitting all the right spots, making sure I finished before him, it was magical. I got up to shower and once I was finished after about 20 minutes, I went to dry and moisturize my body before slipping on a clean pair of underwear and some shorts and one of Y/n t shirts since it covered more than half my body. I left out of his room, walking downstairs into the long hallway finally making my way into the kitchen, seeing Y/n and his mom laughing and cooking breakfast together. I smiled at the sight and jumped with a gasped when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders

"Woww hickeys? Guess I don't have to ask you how you slept" Shana smirked and draped her arm over my shoulder

"You know what, I wouldn't mind if you asked" I chuckled and she chuckled with me

"As much as I want to, I find it pretty gross to talk about my brother in that convo" She said and I nodded

"Trust me, I know the feeling" I sighed with a chuckled and she laughed

"Oh, hey you two. Y'all better be hungry" Y/mn said and Shana and I sat at the island

"Starved actually" I said and Y/n came around and kissed my lips

"I see you having your own clothes just doesn't matter to you huh?" He asked gripping the shirt on my body and I giggled

"They're comfortable on me. Wouldn't you want me to be comfortable?" I asked and he smiled kissing my forehead

"Of course baby" He said walking back around to finish cooking

"I gotta take this ladies, I'll be right back" He said once his phone rang before walking out of the kitchen

"So Jenna, after breakfast the family is gonna visit Y/dn grave. Of course you're more than welcome to come. Besides it'd probably be better for you to come for Y/n because believe it or not, he still isn't taking this death too good. He also hasn't been to his grave since the funeral so it might be a little hard for him seeing it after so long" She said and I nodded

"Yeah of course" I nodded as I looked at Y/n talk on the phone

"Also, make sure you cover those hickeys up" She winked before rubbing my shoulder causing me to chuckle in embarrassment

After a nice breakfast with lots of conversation, everybody had went to their rooms to get ready to leave to the graveyard. I looked at Y/n who completely dreaded going every second, I could practically see him get discouraged about almost every minute. I carefully walked up to him as he was in the bathroom, leaning down on the counter next to the sink and leaned my head on his back causing him to sigh

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