Chapter 16

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"Baby, what do you mean she's part of the crew?" I asked and she sighed

"Exactly what I said babe, she's in hair and makeup" She said and I sighed

"Damn" I mumbled and Jenna stared into space

"What are you thinking baby?" I asked and she let out a breath

"Thinking about how I'm gonna beat your ass and then beat her ass if she tries anything" She said looking away and I frowned

"The hell did I do?" I asked and she shrugged

"I'm sorry, I'm just irritated" she placed her head in her hands

"I know baby" I said and she sighed

"I also miss you, like a lot" She said and I chuckled

"And I miss you, like a lot more" I said and she giggled

"Are you nervous?" She asked and I shook my head

"Probably once the season actually starts, but now, not at all" I said and she nodded

"Well I'm sorry I couldn't be there but you know, I'll be watching" She smiled and I smiled back at her

"I know, I love you baby" I said

"I love you too baby" She blushed

"I swear to god if this bitch starts with me Y/n-"

"Hey listen, call me if she does. You know I'll be on the next flight there" I said and she closed her eyes with a nod

"I have to go but I'll call you later. I love you" She said

"I love you too babygirl" I said and she smiled before hanging up

"Shit" I mumbled before calling my mom and Shana back

"Hey motherfucker we thought you-"

"Natalie is working as a hair and makeup artist on set of Scream VI" I cut Shana off and she looked down

"Fuck!" She yelled in a whisper

"I ain't ever like that bitch" My mom said and I chuckled

"Me either but why would she do that?" Shana asked and I sat back and ran my hand through my hair

"Probably to get under Jenna's skin" I said

"Your hair is getting longer boy!" My mom smiled and Shana and I laughed

"Ma, you're so off topic" I laughed and she laughed with us

"No but seriously, is Jenna okay?" She asked and I shrugged

"No, she's irritated as hell. And I'm afraid if Natalie ticks her off then she's gonna snap and wail on her" I said and Shana nodded

"Yeah, Jenna's little but she looks like she might blow your top off if you try her" She said and I scoffed

"Trust me, I've been hit by her before. I promise you it's nothing like getting hit in boxing, I thought she fucked my organs up" I winced at the memory

"Jenna hit you?" My mom laughed and I smacked my teeth

"I tried surprising her, and I got one first. She uppercut me right in the gut. You know if I didn't know any better I'd think she was the actual boxer in the relationship" I said

"Damn she hit you that hard?" Shana winced and I nodded quickly

"That fucking hard Shana" I closed my eyes

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