Chapter 11

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"So now that you're drafted, we need to think about expanding the team" Lonnie said and I sat on the sofa with my head back

"Alright, how?" I asked

"Well, you've got an agent, you've got a publicist. We need to get you a marketing promoter, one who can get you endorsements with no problem, let's get you a new trainer with more time, and a stylist, to keep up with the gameday fits" Lonnie said

"Well, Shana knows a lot of stylist with great wardrobe so we'll start there. For trainer, I can call up my dads old best friend Neison who knows a lot of trainers. And all we will have to worry about is getting a promoter with good marketing" I shrugged and Lonnie pointed

"I see Shana is a pretty persuasive girl, how about we bring her in?" Lonnie asked and I raised my eyebrows

"She is pretty good and organized with those kind of things" I nodded and Lonnie snapped

"Boom. Now we need to discuss behavior" He said and I frowned

"I believe I'm very well behaved, Lonnie" I said

"You are, but you're in the NBA now. Women will want to try you the most, they'll do anything to break you and Jenna up. One wrong move and the media can twist the story just like that" He snapped his fingers once more and I sighed

"Lonnie, I'm not cheating on Jenna. Not then, not now, not ever" I shook my head and he chuckled

"Yeah keep it that way, have Emerald take care of that Natalie situation because she'll bother you the most" He said and I let out an exasperated breath

"I forgot about that" I covered my face and he patted my shoulder

"Don't worry kid, you'll be good. I'll be back I have to take a phone call" He said walking out

"Alright I'm just about to head out anyway, I'm supposed to be meeting Jenna after she's finished filming" I said checking my phone

"Be good kid"


I was currently in the back of the SUV on the way to the hotel to meet Jenna since she was finished shooting for Scream. My driver drove for about another 15 minutes before we finally made it back to my hotel room. I quickly slipped my glasses on, seeing as that the paps mysteriously just appears now. My security guard quickly led me upstairs before they could get to me, we went up a floor before taking an elevator to the actual floor, so they wouldn't suspect what floor I was on. Before thanking my security guard, I quickly entered the room where I seen Jenna laying on the the bed on her phone, completely unaware that I had just walked in. I slipped my shoes off before running an plopping on the bed, which earned a short shriek from her causing me to laugh

"You must want to me punch you in the neck" She huffed smacking my arm

"Sorry baby. I was just trying to get your attention" I chuckled kissing her cheek

"How was your meeting, doofus?" She asked and I laughed

"It was fine. Is this what you've been doing while I was gone?" I asked and she shrugged

"Most of the time, I just stared at the ceiling" She said and I chuckled

"If you missed me just say that" I laughed and she wrapped her arms around me with an over dramatic sigh

"I did! You don't understand how much" She yelled and I chuckled covering her mouth

"Shhh baby" I said and she gave me a weird look

"Did you just shush me?" She asked and my smile fell

"No" I quickly said and she giggled laying her head on my chest

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