Chapter 3

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As I woke up from my slumber, I rubbed my eyes as I sat up in my bed. Quickly stretching my body for relief, I got out of my bed and left my room. I walked over to the guest room to check on Shana and she was still knocked the fuck out. I have no idea what Jasmine and Melissa did to her last night, but it's safe to say she had a pretty good time. I walked back in my room to go get ready for the gym, but checked my phone first and seen I had a DM from Jenna

Jennaortega: Did we really forget to exchange numbers?

Y/nY/ln: I think we did 😂

Jennaortega: Damn 😂 but thanks for dragging me out of that party last night

Jennaortega: One more second in there and I would've had a nervous breakdown

Y/nY/ln: No problem, it was amazing talking to you ❤️ hope to see you again soon

Jennaortega: Same ❤️ wyd today?

Y/nY/ln: Just going for a workout at my private gym, nothing too major

Jennaortega: Need a partner??

Y/nY/ln: I'm glad you asked, I'd love a partner

Y/nY/ln: I'll come pick you up within the next hour or so?

Jennaortega: Yeahh, I'll send you the address

Y/nY/ln: Cool, I'll be there


As I finished getting ready to pick Jenna up and hit the gym, I grab my hydro flask and my car keys before locking up and heading down to the garage. I unlocked my car and texted Jenna before starting it up

 I unlocked my car and texted Jenna before starting it up

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(Cliche, yeah i know 😂)

Once Jenna sent me her address, I pulled out of my garage and drove off to her house with my music playing, and shades on riding down the street. I stopped at the light and rolled my window down to fix my side mirror and all of a sudden I heard a yell next to me in another car

"Oh my go-" I cut them off with wide eyes and rolled the window back up

I rubbed my head out of impulse and pulled off in hopes that the car wasn't following me. Guess I failed to not get noticed today. I turned down to a very private and gated community up the hills and pulled up to what was Jenna's house, completely looking like King Kong compared to my apartment building itself, and put in the gate code that she sent me before driving in and parking in front of her front door before texting her that I was outside

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