Chapter 19

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"Maddie Ziegler? Sounds so familiar-"

"I don't know if you've maybe seen dance moms or-"

"Yeah I-I'm not really a TV guy. Maybe on social media or something" I shrugged and she chuckled

"Well maybe I can show you some of my work sometime, you know as friends. I would hate for your girlfriend to kill us both" She said with a breathy nervous chuckle

"No, I mean yeah that's no problem" I nodded and she smiled grabbing her ice bucket

"Well see you around, and good luck with the ankle healing" She said walking away

"Thank you" I smiled turning to Keegan

"I hope you-"

"I'm gonna tell Jenna" I sighed and he started filling his ice bucket

"I'm sorry man I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I did" He said and I frowned

"I already did, remember I dated Natalie too. Huge mistake" I said and he winced

"Ouu, yeah" He said and I filled up the ice bucket

"And I hope you don't think that I was planning on cheating on Jenna? I thought you were my friend bro do you think I'm stupid?" I asked and he chuckled

"No no, I'm not saying anything like that I'm just saying being careful that's all. One thing can turn into another" He said and I closed the ice bucket

"Gotta go upstairs before Jenna calls the swat team to find me" I turned only to be startled by the 5'0 brunette now standing in front of me

"Never mind" I said and she giggled

"I didn't think this through, I'm gonna carry the ice bucket so that way you can walk" She said and I handed her the ice bucket before sighing

"Thanks babe I thought I was gonna die" I said and Keegan frowned

"What I would've held it for you" He said

"I didn't want you to waste your time buddy, your on the 27th floor" I said and I heard a voice behind me

"Yooo Keegan" I heard and I turned around and was confused by what I was seeing

"Wha-" I frowned as I looked in between the two

"What the f—motherfucker you're a twin?!!" I yelled and they both chuckled while Jenna laughed at me


"Yeah, Y/n this is my twin brother Kris. Kris this is my friend Y/n" Keegan introduced us and Kris nodded his head

"Good meeting you brother" He fist bumped me and I was still shocked at the occurrence

"Why the fuck didn't I know?" I asked and Keegan shrugged with a chuckled

"You never asked" He said and I frowned deeper

"The fuck—"

"Alright baby come on. Keegan be ready in the morning, nice meeting you Kris" Jenna said pulling me away

"What the fuck I thought he cloned his self" I mumbled to Jenna and she giggled

"Okay, come on before you fall" She said guiding me to the elevator


"Wake up big head" I heard Jenna's voice and I opened my eyes

"What?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes

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