Chapter 20

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"Hey, this is Jenna. I'm sorry I missed you, leave a message and-"


I sighed after Jenna declined my call for about a 9th time today. I looked down at my phone, showing my lock screen which was us two on our second run to the gym together. I threw my phone across the room, letting out a loud exasperated breath as I plopped back down on the bed, covering my face with both my hands. I heard a beep and the door opening shortly after and I looked up confused but then remembered that Shana had a room key, and I sighed as she cooed at me

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be sleep? You have a meeting in the morning" She said and I sat up with a stressed expression on my face

"Yeah I am, but I'm waiting for Jenna to stop being upset and call back" I placed my hands in my lap looking down

"What? What is she mad at you about?" She placed her hand in my curls

"Uh, Cindy is here. Jenna and her psychic mind knows about her" I mumbled and she stopped in her tracks

"Oh fuck, damn that's worst than Natalie" She said and I breathed out a laugh

"Yeah, no kidding" I said and she sighed

"How'd she find out about her?" She asked and I looked at her

"She did a surprise pop up. I'm not sure how she knew that I'd be there with a chick though" I sighed and she narrowed her eyes at me

"There's only one person who would go as far as telling Jenna you might be cheating" She said and I looked around the room before sighing

"She's such a bitch" I shook my head and Shana patted my back

"I'm glad you didn't get her pregnant" She said and I frowned before shaking my head

"I gotta call her" I said and she kicked my phone

"What are you doing?" She asked and I looked at her like she had two heads

"Girl what the fuck? That's a brand new phone!" I yelled and she laughed

"Why are you calling her? Just go to her room" She shook her head picking my phone up

"She left Shana, there's no plane to LA until day after tomorrow" I said and she deadpanned me

"You really think Jenna's gonna leave you AND her family here, you fucking nitwit? She's moved rooms with Melissa and Jasmin. Room 513" She said and I shook my head

"You think I should put more clothes over these so she won't break my bones?" I asked and she pushed me and I stumbled to the ground hard before Shana gasped

"I'm sorry! I forgot!" She said helping me up and I winced

"Goddamn Shana!" I yelled as she helped me up and gave me my crutches

"You might need those" She awkwardly smiled and I shook my head before walking out the door

"We're gonna keep em here before Jenna shoves em up my nose or something" I said

"Damn, shits that bad?" Shana asked as she followed behind me

"She was pissed when she seen us. I bet she was there listening to the conversation the whole time. I wouldn't put it past her" I said limping to the elevator pressing the down button

"Jesus Y/n" Shana sighed and I rubbed my face

"I know. I'm gonna have to let Keegan know that I'm gonna throw a stop sign at his girlfriend" I said as the elevator dinged and opened

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