Chapter 7

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Day 2 of the draft combine

I woke up with long brown hair sprawled across my face hoping I didn't do anything reckless last night and didn't remember anything, but the smell of strawberry smacked me in the face so I instantly knew it was Jenna. I lightly moved her hair out of my face to get a better view of her sleeping state. She currently has her arms around my waist, her head resting on my shoulder as light snores came from her, with her mouth slightly opened. I smiled at the sight, tracing my thumb across her eyebrow causing her to stir in her sleep before opening her eyes and smiling at me, nudging her nose onto mine

"You wanna come to day 2 with me?" I asked and she nodded eagerly

"Of course I do" she said

"You sure? You not too tired or anything?" I asked and she shook her head

"Too tired for you? Never" She said with a small smile and I chuckled

"Well we gotta start getting ready" I said kissing her forehead

"Not yet 5 more minutessss" She whined and I laughed

"Thought you weren't too tired for me?" I asked and she giggled

"No I just wanna lay here, you're keeping me warm" She said

"Alright, but only 5 minutes" I said and she snuggled into me more

"Are you ready for today?" She asked and I shrugged

"I'd like to think I am, hopefully yesterdays confidence carried into today" I said and she rubbed my chest

"You'll be okay. Just a couple steps away from the draft" She said and I nodded

"You're right" I sighed rubbing my fingers through her hair

"You're gonna make me fall asleep" She giggled and I laughed

"Not a chance" I said getting up causing her to frown

"Come on, let's get ready" I said pulling her up causing her to groan

"Y/nnnn" She whined and I laughed

"Come on, or I'll have to leave you" I said and she stopped in her tracks with a playful glare

"You wouldn't dare" She said and I crossed my arms with a raised eyebrow

"You want to find out?" I asked her and she gasped

"You would do that to me?" She asked and I chuckled

"Let's get ready or we're gonna be late" I said


As the sweat coating my body dropped onto the court, I hunched over as the tiredness of my body took over and tried to catch my breath. I was currently on the last drill of the combine and I was trying to put myself together to finish. I stood up and looked up at Jenna who stood watching me with a small smile and I sighed to myself thinking about how much I'm going to miss her. Jenna was leaving in the morning to New York to finish filming Scream VI, meaning she'll probably away for months. I realized I would only see her during draft night, but I shook off the sadness as I prepared myself for the last drill

The last drill was 3/4 sprint. Luckily for me, I was pretty fast. Doing track in high school paid off over time. I lined up at the cones at the baseline and prepared myself for the sprint. I positioned myself for the last and official attempt I had, and I was ready to give my all. I waited for the countdown and after the clock hit 1, I ran like my life depended on it. It was too fast to process that I was done, and once I came to a stop a loud burst of excitement erupted through the courts. I looked over to Jenna to see her looking at me with a shocked look on her face causing me to chuckle, I looked up at the score and chuckled to myself when I seen my record....2.97 seconds. Gotta be the shoes

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