Chapter 5

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1 week before the draft combine

It's only a week before combine and I'm currently in the weight room with Jenna, she had left set early because of a chemical spill. She wanted to spend more time with me since she would be leaving soon, since she would be shooting the rest of Scream VI in New York in about a month or so. With the draft being around the corner, I would be able to come and still support her, since the draft will be located in New York. How ironic. I'm currently lifting weights just to get a little more muscle before the combine, while Jenna is currently on the treadmill for her last workout. After about 15 reps, I put the weights back and slowly approached Jenna from behind, quietly so she doesn't hear. As I got closer I quickly lifted her off the treadmill causing her to shriek in shock, sighing in annoyance when she realized it was me

"Why are you like this? Let me finish" She said with a slight attitude and I chuckled before bending down to kiss her bare shoulder

"Sorry my love" I said and she turned around to playfully glare at me

"Now is not the time to play, you need to focus on getting ready for the combine" She said and I whined

"I've done enough working out for the week, let's just call it a day" I said and she wrapped her arms around my waist

"Aww little baby. Do what you want but I'm not finished" She said poking my nose before going back to the treadmill

I watched her small frame go back on the treadmill and smiled at her messy bun jumping all over the place. I pulled my phone out to check on Shana telling her I'd be home soon. I opened my agents text message telling me the details about the draft and the rumors about me possibly not even getting drafted and I instantly got overwhelmed by everything. And I know I shouldn't, but it's hard not to pay attention to social media. I let out a big breath I didn't know I was holding and suddenly I felt a pair or slender arms wrap around my waist

"What's wrong?" Jenna asked softly in my ear, her chin pressingly firmly on my shoulder

"Nothing" I shook my head and she loosened her grip, walking around and bending in front of me making me look down at her

"What's going on? And I don't wanna hear you say it's nothing" She said looking in my eyes and I sighed

"Social media is what's wrong" I said and she frowned

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Rumors about me not getting drafted, about me possibly ruining my career before it starts, all that crazy shit" I sighed looking down and she lifted my head up kissing my nose

"You'll be perfect Y/nn. You'll get drafted, your career will skyrocket faster than you can imagine, you are amazing, don't let social media get to you" She said and I sighed

"It's only been a about 2 months since we've met, but I wanna marry you today" I said and she laughed

"Damn, take me out to dinner first" She giggled and I chuckled

"Okay" I said smiling and she smiled back

"Just okay?" She asked and I laughed

"No not just okay, but seriously. I'd love to take you out on a REAL date if you let me. And whenever you have the time of course" I said and she smiled at me

"I'd love that" She mumbled and I stood up with a smile

"Cool. Well looks like you're done so let's get the fuck outta here" I said grabbing her bad and pulling her with me causing her to giggle


The day before the draft combine

"So everything is all set up for your flight to Chicago. You will have a hotel room there, and of course Jenna is more than welcome to join" Lonnie said and I frowned

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