Chapter 21

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October 15th, 2022 (1 week before 1st game)

"And no signs of any pain?" The doctor asked and I shook my head

"No sir, no pain at all" I said and he nodded

"And you haven't been walking on it?" He asked and I shook my head

"Oh nooo" I frowned and Jenna hit my arm

"Quit lying" She giggled

"Well, no swelling so that's a good sign. Your X-rays came back outstanding so you're all ready for the season" He said and I nodded with a smile

"Thanks doc" I said as I moved my ankle back and forth

Jenna and I had just gotten back to California from New York about a week ago. After our devastating loss in the summer league championship game to the Boston Celtics, we left Vegas and went to New York so she can finish filming the remainder of Scream VI. Now here we are back in California, I am here getting my boot off, in preparation for the start of the NBA season. I've decided to rest my ankle during preseason, I am getting back in the gym right after. I couldn't wait to finally get back to doing what I loved, and I definitely couldn't wait to straighten Jenna out whenever she got reckless with her mouth, that shit is dead

"So I was thinkingggg..." I trailed off and she giggled

"Yeahhh..." She trailed off and I laughed

"So now that I'm finally settled in the new home, I was thinking that you could move in with me, if that's okay with you" I said and she smiled looking down at my hands

"Well, I practically already live there. I've spent more time at your house than I have in my own" she said and I smiled

"So, let's make it official" I grabbed her hand and she blushed

"Okay" She smiled and I stood up kissing her lips softly

"I'll get some movers to grabs your things tomorrow while I'm at the gym. Until then, you could sleep in some of my clothes tonight" I held her hand as we walked out of the office door

"Are you giving me permission to wear your clothes after I already claimed half of them?" She asked and I chuckled

"You can wear whatever to bed" I said and she smirked at me as she walked ahead

"What makes you think I'm wearing clothes to bed?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows as I watched her walk out of the doctors office

"Jenna you freaky freaky girl" I said and she giggled as I grabbed her from behind

"I'm just being honest" She said as I opened the passenger door for her

"Your chariot awaits you" I said and she giggled

"Thank you what a gentleman" She said situating herself in the seat as I closed the door and got in on the drivers side

"Are you gonna come with me to the gym or are you gonna go home?" I asked as I rubbed her thigh, pulling out of the parking lot

"I'm actually gonna stop at my house and grab a couple of things first, then when you're finished you can come pick me up" She said biting her lip a bit and I smirked and squeezed her thigh

"Whatever you say baby" I kept my eyes on the road as I felt her squirm under me

"I have to stop at my house first and grab some gym clothes" I said and and she nodded


Jenna's POV

Okay well....he was supposed to be at the gym. And what was supposed to be him changing his clothes, turned into him ripping me out of mine, and folding me like a pretzel. The look he gave me as soon as we walked into the door, had me shook. It was like something in him snapped and then everything went black for him. But I don't blame him. After we left Vegas, we spent two months in New York since I had to finish shooting Scream VI. We haven't had any sex because of how busy I've been, and because his dumbass tweaked his ankle again while playing Just Dance with Shana. I also gave him a ton of attitude while out there, mostly out of frustration and because he was always the first person I've seen whenever I was in a bad mood. Me being that way, he promised me that as soon as we got home and he was out of the boot, he would handle it....

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