Chapter 12

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Day before Fathers Day

Jenna, Shana and I are currently on the private jet back home to Missouri to visit my mom and the rest of the family. Since I've been away for about 3 years, I spent every Father's Day with my mom, so she wouldn't have to mourn the death of my father alone. Shana was worst. Shana had gotten closer with our father about a few months before his passing after a rocky bond between them all of Shanas life. Shana felt that she should have been closer to him sooner, she felt bad that she couldn't like him sooner

"You okay?" Jenna asked me and I nodded

"Yeah, just thinking of how I'm spending another Father's Day without him. I feel like I should be at terms with it but, I'm not" I looked out the window and Jenna rubbed the back of my neck

"I'm sorry guys, I can't imagine" She said to me and Shana and we both have her a small smile

"It'll be okay" Shana said softly causing Jenna to give a sympathetic smile before looking over at me

"What?" She asked me as I looked at her with a smile

"The bangs, they're sexy" I said and she smiled

"Don't make me blush" She said and Shana fake gagged

"Ugh please, y'all are so cute it's disgusting" She said making us all laugh

"I can't wait to taste moms cooking again" I sighed with my eyes closed

"Whew, tell me about it" Shana let out a breath

"So the rest of your family, what are they like?" Jenna asked and I chuckled with a smile

"Very dis functional. In a good way though, don't worry baby you'll love them and vice versa" I said pulling her into my side

"Well, my family on the other hand..." Jenna started and I looked at her

"Are they the opposite?" I asked with a groan and Jenna giggled

"No babe, I'm joking. They'll love you. Especially my dad" She said and I chuckled

"Don't scare me like that" I said and she kissed my cheek

"Nothing to be scared of, handsome" She smiled at me and I leaned down kissing her lips

"Hope you're right"


"Y/n get your ass off me!" My mom yelled and I chuckled

"Didn't you miss me?" I asked and she scoffed

"Not that damn much" She said with a playful glare before hugging Jenna

"Nice to see you Y/mn" Jenna said and my mom cooed

"Good to see you too baby" She said and Shana kissed her forehead

"Ew Shanaaa" She said and we all laughed

"I missed you too mom" Shana said and we all walked in the house

"Where's James?" I asked

"He went back to Detroit to see his dad. He asked me to come but I knew you guys would want to come here so I stayed" my mom said

"Well, everything is still the same. You guys put your bags in the room, your aunts will be here soon so get comfy for dinner" She said and we nodded

I grabbed my suitcase along with Jenna's and led her up to my room upstairs. Once we got to the door, I sighed in bliss looking at my old childhood room, smiling when I seen Jenna walk in the room to admire it

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