Chapter 9

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2 weeks until NBA draft night

"I promise I didn't mean to open the door without asking who it is" I said when Shana came to view

"You guys gonna let me in or not?" Sebastian asked and I looked at Shana

"May I?" I asked and Shana eagerly nodded knowing my next action

I quickly put the fucker in a chicken wing causing him to groan and wince in pain. I kicked him in the house causing him to hit the floor hard, hope my downstairs neighbors don't mind. I quickly shut the door before locking it and hurried over to my phone where Jenna was still on the line

"Babe?" She called out and I picked up the phone

"Call you right back baby, got some business to take care of" I said hanging up the phone throwing it to the closest couch

"You got some fucking nerve, showing up here unannounced when you did what you did" Shana said and I chuckled at the pain he was in from the fall

"All I came to do was apologize Shay, for everything" He said holding his arm

"I don't need an apology from your sorry ass" She said kicking him in the knee causing him to shriek which made me chuckle

"Fuck you laughing at?" He said pointing to me and I raised my eyebrows with a chuckle

"I promise you don't want these problems dawg. Nice try though" I said as he glared at me

"Man whatever. Shana you know me girl I wouldn't-"

"No, I don't know you. All I see in front of me is an asshole with no remorse for anybody but his fucking self" She scolded him and I watched with my arms crossed

"I can't help it that I fell in love with you Shana. I really just wanted to be your friend at first. But you showed me everything that-"

"Sebastian spare me the fucking sob story really. I don't wanna hear shit you have to say" She said, her lips quivering

"Shay I-" He said and she walked over to the door, opening it

"Get the fuck out, Sebastian" She said and sighed walking to the door

"Have a nice trip, dick face" I said, tripping him on the way out causing him to fall flat into the wall in the hallway

"Say hi to your wife for me" I said before closing the door and locking it

"You're such a dork" She said laughing through her tears and I walked up and hugged her

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Shay" I said kissing the top of her head

"I'm glad mom decided not to swallow you" She said and I grimaced quickly letting her go

"Way to spoil the moment Shana" I said walking away and she laughed

"I love you!"

"And you should probably call Jenna back before she calls the swat team over here to find you!" She yelled and I chuckled pressing Jenna's contact for a FaceTime video

"May I ask why you decided to hang up on me sir?" She asked with a playful eye squint

"Shanas ex boyfriend showed up so I had to handle it" I said and she nodded

"Oh okay, is she okay?" She asked and I shrugged

"She'll be okay. Shana's a strong woman. I'll be here for her" I said and she smiled

"You're such a good brother" She said and I smiled

"I try when I can" I said playfully dusting my shoulders causing her to let out that cute ass giggle I love so much

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