Chapter 8

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3 weeks until the NBA Draft

Jenna and I were currently waiting at the airport for her flight to New York and my flight back to LA. Our flights were only minutes apart so we decided to wait together. Here we were, currently hand in hand, not really giving a fuck about the paps at this point because we were both tired as hell. We walked out of baggage claim and took a seat, causing Jenna to plop down on my lap and immediately snuggling her face in my neck. I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist kissing her neck causing her to shudder at my touch. I looked up to see Melissa, Jasmine and Mason walk up to us with sunglasses on smiling at us before speaking up

"Peeps, how goes it?" Mason asked sitting next to Jasmine

"Shut up" Jenna said causing him to frown

"Don't mind her, she's upset she had to get up this early" I chuckled and Mason nodded

"Jenna you're never this grumpy" Jasmine said

"I have to leave my boyfriend, wouldn't you be grumpy?" She asked and they all gasped

"Boyfriend?!" They all yelled in unison causing me to hush them before drawing attention

"When did this happen?" Melissa asked with excitement

"Last night" Jenna yawned and I could've sworn I seen Mason shake his head with a scoff from the corner of my eye

"We're so happy for you guys!" Jasmine said and I smiled

"Thanks" I said rubbing my hand through Jenna's hair

"Congrats. I'm gonna go get a soda" Mason mumbled and stood up before walking away

"So Jenna did you guys finish filming season 2 of Wednesday yet?" Jasmine asked and Jenna shook her head

"Still a lot more to go" Her voice vibrated in my neck

"You need a break. Like a real one" Melissa said causing Jenna to sigh

"I know. I have to go to the bathroom, come with me?" She held her hand out to Melissa and they walked away

"Anyways, what's his problem?" I asked Jasmine pointing to Mason

"Between me and you, he has a little crush on Jenna" She said and I raised my eyebrows

"Oh" I said and she nodded

"Yeah, since we've started filming he's been a little love lost puppy. Kind of weird if you ask me, seeing that he has a girlfriend" She said and I sighed

"Should I be concerned?" I asked and she immediately shook her head

"Jenna is practically in love with you already, nothing to worry about"

"But I'm sure he knew this would happen" I said and she shrugged

"Maybe, probably didn't want to believe it. He thought maybe you and Jenna were just a casual think and that she wouldn't commit. But love has its ways" She said and got silent when Mason walked back

"What are you two talking about?" He asked and Jasmine spoke up

"About which team Y/n is getting drafted to" She said and I chuckled

"Ahh, staying in Cali hopefully?" He asked and I nodded

"Definitely the move" I said and I felt a weight on my lap realizing Jenna had came back

"Move you head I wanna sleep" She said and I chuckled

"Baby, your flight is boarding in 5 minutes how long could you possibly sleep?" I asked and she groaned

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