Chapter 10

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"So, they have to kiss?" I asked and she nodded with a wince

"Yeah, I'm not sure why they put them together but fuck all of that. Are you okay with that?" Jasmine asked and I sighed

"Under these circumstances I'm not even sure how to feel" I scoffed and she frowned sadly

"I'm sorry Y/nn"

"You know what, it's fine" I said and she raised her eyebrows


"I've seen actors who are married and have to do things worst than a kiss on screen. I'd be a pussy not to be able to handle it" I said and she gave a small smile

"I promise you have nothing to worry about. Jenna is head over heels for you. And, both of them are able to separate their work from reality" She said and I nodded

"As long as Mason doesn't get any ideas and tries to take advantage of my girl, I'm fine" I said

"You know she had to kiss a co star in her Wednesday show too right?" She asked and I face palmed myself

"Don't worry, this one was once. And he wants nothing to do with Jenna romantically" She said and I shook my head

"You know I kinda have a hard time believing that when she is Jenna Ortega, I don't get how people don't fall in love with her after working with her" I said and Jasmine laughed

"Wait how'd you know she had to kiss somebody in Wednesday?" I asked

"It happened before you two started dating, she was telling me about how bad of a kisser he was" She said and I snorted

"Who's a bad kisser?" My girl walked back into view

"You" I said and she squinted her eyes at me

"Yeah right, I'm a great kisser" She said dramatically flipping her hair and I chuckled

"You're right" I smiled at her causing her to blush

"Alright lovebirds, just get married already" Melissa said coming in with a bowl of kiwi

"Oh you are about to fuck your mouth all the way up" Jasmine said causing Shana to laugh

"No for real though" She said

"They're so good though" Melissa said and my phone rang

"Jasmine FaceTime Shanas phone, I'm getting another call" I said before answering, soon after Shanas phone rang

"Hello?" I answered

"Pizza delivery?"

"Yeah, give me a second" I said hanging up the phone

"Shana go get the pizza" I said and she frowned

"I called and ordered"

"And I paid for it so go get it" I whined and she groaned

"You little fucker" She said getting up causing me to plop down on the bed checking my phone with a chuckle

Baby❤️: Is it bad?

Me: What's bad beautiful?

Baby❤️: That I'm feeling some type of way just by looking at you

Oh wowww

Me: Shit, me? I made THE Jenna Ortega horny? Sheesh maybe I am a magician

Baby❤️: Babe, please. I tried avoiding the word horny 😩

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