Chapter 15

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I blew out hot air as my fist connected with this fucks face, not giving a care in the world about who sees what. What he wasn't going to do is disrespect me or my girl, and he crossed the line. Jenna was practically having a panic attack behind us as we swapped blows. Jasmin and Melissa had rushed upstairs, stunned that it was happening. Mason had gave me a good blow to the face, busting my lip and giving me a good cut under my eye. It only egged me on, making me punch him in the stomach. He had hunched over giving me space to uppercut him in the mouth, he fell to the floor before Jenna finally found the courage to stop me before I could do more damage

"BABE" She pushed me against the wall before slowly cupping my face

"Oh my god" She whispered and I grabbed her hands before walking over to Mason

"Y/n, stop please!" Jenna grabbed my hand and I looked back at her

"Why should I?" I gave her a hard gaze and she looked at me with tears in her eyes

"Just stop" She whispered and I sighed wiping my lip

"You're lucky" I spat at Mason and he looked up at me from his position on the floor

"Let's go" I grabbed Jenna's hand and my sunglasses before putting them on my face

"We'll come check on you guys later" I said to the girls and they nodded with a shocked look

I walked with Jenna downstairs through the crowd, back outside and luckily my driver was out there already. The paps were focused on other celebrities so we were able to sneak by them and get into the SUV. It was a long, quiet ride back to the hotel, Jenna and I had exchanged a few glances at each other but both of our expressions were cold. I knew what was to come next, and I knew the questions I would have to answer. Finally pulling up to the hotel, we both entered the lobby quickly getting on the elevator. A few painfully quiet seconds, we got off and walked to our room before walking in and locking the door. As I took my pea coat off, I felt an object hit me in my back and I turned around and looked down to see Jenna's heel. I looked up at her through my sunglasses and she spoke up

"Now answer my question, what the hell were you doing with her?" She asked and I sighed

"We were having a conversation-"

"For what?! What the fuck could she possibly talk about?!" She cut me off and I slipped my shirt off

"Really, we're gonna argue about this now?!" I snapped and she snipped back

"All of this shit could have been avoided if you just used your fucking head Y/n!!" She hissed

"I didn't do anything with Natalie. I went to get a drink and she came and sat with me. It stressed me the fuck out so I started just drinking more. I didn't want to hear her out, she convinced me to come and talk to her, in private. So we went in that room, and she tried to get me to slip. But I stopped her" I said and she scoffed

"I don't believe you" She hissed and I frowned at her

"You seriously think I'm gonna sit here and cheat Jenna, for real?!" I yelled and she laughed bitterly

"Y/n, I can tell the type of hold she still has on you. And I'm not buying the bullshit"

"Jenna I don't know how many times I have to tell you I'm not worried about her!" My voice went up an octave and she looked at me like I had two heads

"What the fuck were you two talking about?" She closed her eyes and i sighed

"Closure" I said and she chuckled in disbelief

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