Chapter 23

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"You have to go?" Jenna pouted and I chuckled while zipping my suitcase up

"Baby, it's only a week. I'll be back in Cali then" I said and she stomped her feet

"That's too long" She whined and I slowly walked up to her, softly grabbing her hand

"You and I both know we've went longer than a week without seeing each other" I said and she sighed

"I know, I just...I don't know" She looked down and I lifted her head up by her chin with my finger

"Are you letting what Jasmin said get to your head?" I asked her and she closed her eyes

"I just don't want us to fall out while we're miles away from each other...that and I don't wanna have to follow you and punch a bitch in her face" She said and I laughed while she pouted

"Baby, believe me when I say I'll never give up what's yours" I said placing her hand over my heart

"I know, that's not bothering me as much as the other thing" She let out a breathy chuckle and I kissed her forehead

"We'll talk more about it when I land in Milwaukee, okay?" I said to her and she took a deep breath before kissing my lips

"Okay" She said and I kissed her once more

"Now, get some real rest while you can, eat real food, and stay off twitter" I said grabbing my suitcase and she giggled

"Whatever you say papi" She smiled and I smiled back before letting out a slight gasp

"Oh and not too much kiwi babe, I don't wanna hear you cry about how they fucked up the roof of your mouth" I said and she frowned

"But they're good!!" She yelled and I raised an eyebrow

"You know fruits with lots of seeds can get stuck in your pouch and can cause gastritis?" I asked and she huffed crossing her arms

"I don't eat the seeds" She said and I smirked

"Sure you don't. You know gastritis can slow down your metabolism and cause excessive bloating?" I asked and she frowned

"Okay Mr.UCLA, go before you miss your flight" She rolled her eyes and I chuckled before kissing her once more

"I love you, be good" I said and she chuckled

"Oh , no YOU better be good. I love you" She said and I laughed as I left out the door as she followed me out and stood in the doorframe

"Tell Jasmin don't touch my goddamn Gatorade when she comes over" I said before getting in the back of the SUV and she giggled

"Traveling far, Mr.Y/ln?" He asked and I sighed

"Anything away from her is far, Jacob" I said and he chuckled

"I said the same thing about my ex wife" He said and I hummed

"Mmm, Gia? What ever happened between you guys?" I asked and he smacked his teeth as he drove off

"Aw man, the distance was terrible. Being 3000+ miles away from her took a toll on us" He said and I frowned

"3000 miles?" I asked and he nodded

"She moved to New York for a CEO job at CBS studios while I stayed here because I had the chauffeur business here to tend to after my dad died. Over time it took a toll with how busy we were, she wasn't getting the pleasure she needed so she cheated multiple times. Now here I am, an owner of the greatest chauffeur business in California, full custody of my kids, a nice home and I'm actually a lot better" He said and I blew out air

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