Chapter 14

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I was currently in Paris, in a private gym practicing with my friend/trainer. I'm getting all of the practice I can before I head to Las Vegas soon for Summer League, so I started as soon as I got back to France with Jenna. She was currently getting ready for fashion week with her stylist back at the hotel, for her fittings for the week. And here I was, sweating my ass off, working for what I love

"Well well, I see you are here after all" I heard a voice and turned around to see who it was

"How'd you know I was here?" I gave an annoyed sigh and she scoffed

"Don't act like you're not happy to see me, plus you know your car is not so subtle" She said and I sighed catching my breath

"I'll leave y'all to it, come get me when you're finished" Marco said and I nodded

"What do you want Natalie?" I scratched my head and she walked towards me

"Well, im here for fashion week. Heard you were here, just wanted to say hello" She said and I scoffed

"Yeah whatever, you can let yourself out of whatever door you came into" I said trying to walk away but she spoke up

"Also to warn you" She was and I turned back around

"What could you possibly warn me about?" I asked

"The kind of girl, your girlfriend is" She raised and eyebrow and I cocked mine the exact same way

"Natalie, you don't know shit about her, alright? Just go so I could finish my workouts" I said and she walked closer causing me to step back

"Listen, if you don't want to feel the hurt I gave you back in freshman year then you would take my advice" She said and I sighed looking at her to finished

"Keep your guard up with her, I know her type" She said chewing on her gum

"You know what, not everybody is like you Natalie" I glared at her and she dropped her arms

"And what am I like, Y/n?" She tilted her head with a glare and I walked up to her

"A self-centered, backstabbing, two faced, energy sucking bitch" I gritted in her face and she stood there, breathless

"Get out Natalie" I said and she huffed

"When she fucks you over, I can't wait to say I told you so" She said walking away

"Have a nice day, Natalie" I said sarcastically and she walked out, the door slamming behind her

"And I thought my problems were bad but yours make me feel a lot better about mine" Marco came out passing me the ball

"Haha" I squinted at him before shooting the ball, swishing nothing but net

"What'd she want?" He asked grabbing the ball passing it back

"Trying to make me change my mind about my girl" I said before shooting a jumper missing it

"Damn" I mumbled before rubbing my hands together

"Well, you know how Natalie was about you. She gonna make sure you stay single" He said passing the ball back and I held it against my hip

"Well she can let that shit go. Jenna is here to stay" I said skillfully bouncing the ball behind my back

"Be fucking for real man" He chuckled and I shot the ball, nothing but net

"What?" I asked and he bounced the ball

"Be real Y/nn, you over Natalie?" He asked and I scoffed

"I been over that broad. I'm not checking for her" I held my hands out for the ball before he passed it

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