Chapter 22

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"Keegan...what...the fuck?!" I yelled and he sighed

"Bro don't yell at me. I'm already stressed" He used his hand to cover his face and I sighed

"It's alright, we'll figure it out" He said and I could've sworn I seen a tear roll down his eye

"I don't know how I slipped up like that. I always use protection" He started pacing and I frowned

"Alright motherfucker, sit down you making me nervous" I said and he sat on the bleachers

"Marco, give us a few minutes man. He's in a crisis" I said and Marco nodded as I walked over to Keegan

"How'd you know she was pregnant?" I asked and he took his head out of his hands

"I made her take 5 tests in front of me....they were all positive" He mumbled and I rubbed my face

"Jesus Keegan...wait, you know for sure it's yours?" I asked and he shrugged

"We'll know once we go to the doctors tomorrow. Besides she's been so fucking busy trying to torture you that I'm sure that she hasn't even had time to sleep with anyone else" He said

"I thought you broke it off bro what happened?" I asked and he sighed

"Long story short, we kept it casual. Now here we are" He said and a lightbulb went off in my head after a few seconds of silence

"Keegan, did you check the condom before you put it on bro?" I asked and he shook his head

"Didnt think about that" He said and I pointed

"Natalie tried to catch me slipping one time, she put a hole in the condom the time we had sex" I said and he let out a breath

"This is too much bro, you got a cigarette?" He asked and I looked at him with a blank stare



"Hey baby, how was practice?" Jenna asked cutting some fruit and I dropped my gym bag on the kitchen island

"Keegan got Natalie pregnant" I said and she choked on a kiwi

"Oh!" I ran over to her patting her back and she finally stopped choking

"He what?!" She yelled and I nodded

"I had the same reaction" I said taking a water out of the fridge

"Baby, are you lying to me right now?" She frowned with her hands out and I shook my head

"I wish I was" I sipped the water and Jenna sighed

"Fuck, Keegan!" She yelled to herself

"I think Natalie trapped him. I think she put a whole in the condom. She also told him she was on birth control" I sat on the couch and Jenna came and sat the bowl of fruits on the coffee table before sitting next to me

"Wait I thought they were done?" She asked confused and I shrugged turning the tv on

"Guess they were still having sex, just without the boyfriend and girlfriend title" I said as Jenna placed her legs across my lap, eating her fruit

"Damn, I don't know what I'd do if I was in Keegan's shoes I—"

"Aht aht aht, first of all don't even try to picture being in his shoes because I'd never do that to you baby" She cut me off putting the fruit down before wrapping her arms around my neck

"I know but, damn" I shook my head and she kissed my cheek

"I know, I feel bad too" She said before going back for the fruit

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