Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Tell me why!~ I don't ever wanna hear you say: I want it that way~" (Y/n) sang out as she swept the hallway. Lloyd giggled at her antics before continuing to read his comic book. It had been about a week since their return to the Bounty, but the rest were all training hard to one-up the Serpentine. (Y/n) was the only one who wasn't training, as she had not trained since the day Sensei left. She knew she would have to get back to it as soon as he got back and wanted to take any opportunity she could to stay away from training, so she had used most of the days to chill and play with Lloyd. She still remembered their faces of shock when she said she wouldn't be training...again...earlier that day.

"You're seriously not gonna train again?! You haven't trained in weeks! What if you're falling behind? What if you won't unlock your full potential?! What if-" Jay rambled, worried about her progress, but (Y/n) quickly shut him down.

"Relax Jay! It's only until he gets back. Once he's back, I'll get right back to it." She reassured the blue ninja with a smile, but Cole didn't seem convinced.

"He's right though (Y/n), it has been a while."

"I know, but seriously, he would've made me train ten-fold once he was back even if I had been training while he was gone. Besides, I'd much rather spend time with Lloyd right now." She told him with a sweet smile on her face. She could feel their uncertainty still hanging in the air, but then Zane slowly nodded his head.

"Alright, (Y/n). If this is what you want to do, then I respect it wholeheartedly. Just know that if you ever do want to train with us, our door is always open." He told her with a gentle smile and she nodded, grateful for his understanding, but then Kai slammed his fist into the wall, startling everyone as he glared at her.

"If you're not going to train, then why are you here wasting all of our time by not getting stronger!" He yelled at her and before anyone could say anything, he stormed off.

    (Y/n) sighed at the memory and rested her forehead on the broomstick, closing her eyes as she did so. Ever since that night Kai has avoided her like the plague and when they do interact, he often glares at her. The others have all been telling her to ignore him, but it still hurts considering how she thought they had finally gotten closer. She opened her eyes when she felt something tug lightly on her poncho and turned to find Lloyd looking up at her with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Lloyd asked, his worry dripping off of him in troves, making a lump form in (Y/n)'s throat. She hated worrying him and felt so guilty when she did so. She quickly ignored it though and instead sent a sweet, closed-eye smile his way.

"Of course! Just a lil' tired is all." She opened her eyes and was about to keep sweeping when she noticed a familiar red blur enter Sensei Wu's room. She quirked an eyebrow at the strange behavior but decided not to get involved and continued sweeping.
    Sadly, fate seemed to disagree with her as she started hearing strange noises coming from the room. She could sense Lloyd's curiosity, which amplified her own, but she forced herself to turn away. Ignore it, gotta be a good role model. She quickly continued sweeping but was unable to ignore the rest of the group coming back from their training.

"You guys finishing up already?" She asked them.

"Nah, we're just looking for Kai, he didn't show up for training. Have you seen him?" Cole asked as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. (Y/n) nodded before pointing to Sensei's room.

"Yeah, he's in there, lemme go get him." She responded before placing the broom to the side and knocking on the doorframe and walking in. "Hey Kai, the guys are looking for ya-" She started before freezing as she noticed what he was wearing: The Green Ninja Gi. She was about to ask him what was going on when she suddenly heard a bunch of laughter coupled with intense mirth, startling her as Kai grew embarrassed.

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