The Invitation

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Anastasia's POV

It was the early morning, 5:00am to be precise. I found myself walking from the gym inside my house to my bedroom. I had just finished training. I was about to get in the shower when my phone rang. Ekaterina, read the screen. I picked up. "Привет, любовь моя. (Hello, my love)" . "Дорогая, проверь свою почту. (Darling, check your emails)" Ekaterina said. "Было ли это сейчас? Пожалуйста, не говорите мне, что мне снова предъявят иск. Эти ребята должны знать, как читать контракты, прежде чем подписывать их. (Was is it now? Please don't tell me I'm being sued again. Those guys should know how to read contracts before signing them)". Anastasia said sarcastically. She opened her laptop which was located on top of her bed, and immediately an email popped up. It read "The Met Gala staff requests the pleasure of your participation in this year's debut High Fashion Met Gala event in a celebration of the high fashion community and the 150th anniversary of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It would be a pleasure to have you assist this year darling. Please consider it. Signed. Anna Wintour". "Вы получили то же письмо? (Did you receive the same email?)". I asked. "Yes, but I can't make it. You, on the other hand, should consider it, детка. Besides, it's not like you have a good reason to not go, you just don't want to. See it as a business opportunity". My friend said. "Alright... I better meet Obama, Ina. You know  I don't do public events anymore  since the whole fiasco in Italy".  She laughed shortly. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I'm not going to lie, ever since I moved to Switzerland and Ina moved to Germany, we barely saw each other. We try to stay in touch but her job requires a lot of discretion and most of the times I don't even know where she is at. I worry, I know I shouldn't, she clearly can take care of herself but she's my only family. The only person I can fully trust and the only one who truly knows me.

I decide to reply to the email and accept the invitation under certain conditions. Wintour has been insisting me and Ina with assisting the Gala ever since we met 3 years ago. We always donated a certain amount of money to the Museum and other projects of her but we always tried to avoid public events. Ina and I never really wanted to get too much attention from the media. Even though we are known here, in Europe, we try to be discreet. Most of the shows Ekaterina and I used to do weren't so known for those outside the industry. The brands were usually what you would call "silent luxury" so only the people that knew about them cared. But we haven't appeared in a fashion show as "the Russians" for about 4 years.

By the time I was done with my shower, it was already 6:30am. The Met Gala is in 2 weeks, meaning I need to arrange a couple of things before my departure. Since it was in New York, I phoned my assistant and told her to make hotel reservations, clear my schedule, get the jet arranged in time and run some other errands.  Before I noticed it was already the evening, and I knew I needed to talk to the designer(s) I was going to choose to wear to the event. So I called the twins. "Look who's back from the dead, it's been months since you last called Anastasia. We were starting to think you went missing". Said Mary-Kate Olsen, with a hint of sarcasm and annoyance. "Hey, I'm sorry hun. I've been busy. But I should've taken the time". I said sincerely. "You better be! You're lucky we love you otherwise I would've hung up on you already". Ashley Olsen intervened and I laughed. Those two are fun. "I do consider myself very lucky Ash". I replied smiling. "So, I have news. I'm assisting the Met Gala this year, and I need an outfit. They gave me a list of designers to choose from but nothing can compare to The Row. So I asked and they cleared it, if you guys accept, I would love to wear one of your pieces". I told the twins knowing they would accept. You know, formalities. "Finally! She said yes, ladies and gentlemen! And of course we are dressing you. Now, when will you be arriving in NY?". MK exclaimed. "Two weeks. I'll text you the location. Oh, and MK, please tell your sister she better not bring those bloody skirts again". I said jokingly. MK laughed and even though I couldn't literally see her, I knew Ash was rolling her eyes so hard they were almost on the back of her brain. "GET OVER IT, TIA! IT WAS ONCE!" Ashley yelled from afar. After chatting for a little longer with the Olsens, we hung up and I went back to my normal routine.

— Moving forward in time —

Today it's the day I travel to New York City. The United States of America. God knows I hate that place, a "developed" country with the mentality of the age of stone. Crime, racism, sexism..., gosh, at this point sent me back to the USSR. But as Ekaterina said "See it as a business opportunity". I might meet someone interesting, maybe another rich white guy that I can flirt with to get their pockets empty on my company. We'll see.

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