Pool Party 2

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Elizabeth's POV

Scarlett left I don't know where a few minutes ago, she was only supposed to get drink and she's not back yet. My anxiety is getting worse and worse the longer I'm alone and she's nowhere to be seen. I'm sitting down, my legs bouncing non-stop, and I'm picking on my nails. My breathing is getting a little irregular. I really don't want to have an anxiety attack, but I don't know what to do. My sisters are way too busy to bother them and I don't know anyone well enough to ask for help. I tried texting Scarlett but she's not replying. I tried closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths but it's not working. This is a mess. Scarlett is pissed, I'm going to have an anxiety attack, Anastasia and Ekaterina are probably together which is a total nightmare since poor Scarlett will be devastated, and we all need to be in court in a few days to testify against Colin.

Out of nowhere, I see Anastasia approaching. I can't handle this mess right now. She came and stood up in front of me, "Hey, you alright?" she asked kindly. Honestly, I can barely speak, I feel like I'm about to puke. She seemed to have picked up on that and left real quick to grab a container where I could throw up in, and towel and sat down next to me. I tried to speak "I-", she interrupted "No, don't speak. Just take deep breaths with me, okay?". We both took deep breaths. I had taken her hand by instinct and squeezed it. She just let me do what I needed to do to feel better. "What do you see around?" She asked out of nowhere. "Ehm, I-I don't know", she smiled at me and said "Yes, you know. Darling, what do you see? It can be whatever, a tree, for example." Her voice was very gentle. One of her friends yelled her name and she replied in Spanish? How many languages does she speak? I got more anxious when I thought her friend was approaching but Anastasia told her she would go afterwards. "Hey, hey, Elizabeth, look at me, look at my eyes. What do you see?" she asked again, that same question. "Ehm, your eyes, one is kind of green but also brown, ehm, hazel, I-I think and the other one is blue, light blue, the-they're very beautiful" I didn't even realize I complimented her until it was already done. She smiled "Thank you, your eyes are very beautiful too. Can you describe what I'm wearing?" The brunette instructed. "A green bikini with some green beach pants, loose pants... a-a necklace too" I answered. The whole time she was there, I continued to squeeze her hand every now and then. She never let go. She grabbed both of my hands with both of hers and said "How are you feeling?". Up until that point, I hadn't realize my legs hand stopped bouncing, I wasn't nauseous anymore and my breathing went back to normal. "Oh, I'm better, thank you. H-how did you know what to do?" I asked confused. "I used to have panic attacks often, Ekaterina used to always ask for me to describe what was around, to ground me. Panic attacks and anxiety attacks look quite similar and I noticed you were alone for too long, and I remember your sisters mentioning something about anxiety attacks so I came to check on you". I am speechless, she remembered and made sure I was okay. "Thank you" was all I could say. "Anytime, I know it can be hard" she caressed my hands while saying that, showing empathy.

Scarlett was coming back when she noticed Anastasia with me, the container on the table and even some towel Anastasia had brought for me. "Shit, Lizzie, are you okay? Shit, I'm such a horrible friend" Scarlett said to me. Anastasia began standing up and smiled at me, slowly leaving. Scarlett and Anastasia looked at each other for a few second, my friend wanting to say something but being unable to. Anastasia looked at me again and said "If you need anything, I'll be right across the pool and if you ever want some advice, you have my number" and left. I could see Scarlett's face of disappointment, sadness, even anger at herself. She wanted to follow Anastasia but instead she turned to me and asked if I was fine. "I am, now go after her" I shooed her away.

Scarlett's POV

After Lizzie assured me she was fine I ran towards Anastasia. "Anastasia! Hold on!" I yelled. She was only a few steps from her friends but still stopped and turned around. Not going to lie, I wasn't expecting her to look sad. She didn't say anything, she just stared at me. I took a few steps closer so we would be at a decent distance and wouldn't need to yell. "I-I'm sorry, I- Ekaterina, she came and talked to me and told me y-you- ugh, I fucked up, I assumed you two were a thing and that you were just messing around with me and..." I was pretty much stuttering at this point and she giggled. Wait, she giggled? "Are you laughing at me?" I asked with a smile forming on my face. She laughed, she's laughing now. She covered her mouth with her hand and said "Sorry, this is serious, sorry. You can proceed" and trying to stop laughing but clearly failed. "Okay, okay, I'm glad my suffering is amusing" I said while lightly pushing her. "So, we're good?" I asked hoping she forgave me for my asshole attitude earlier. "Mhm, I don't know about that...you may have to make it up to me..." there she is, the infamous flirty Anastasia. "And how could I possibly make it up to you?" I responded with the same tone. She took a few steps closer so the distance now, was more inappropriate than appropriate, "Mhm I have a couple of ideas, but none are appropriate enough to be said out here". I gulped. "You know, I'm not single yet" I honestly didn't even process what I said. "Yet?" She smirked. "I- ehm yeah, things ehm I- I'm getting a divorce". She bit her lower lip and said "Well in that case, let me know when that "yet" arrives because I'm already waiting in line". OH MY GOD. SHE LIKES ME. ANASTASIA LIKES ME. IT'S CONFIRMED. We were having our little moment, when someone called for Anastasia. "Ana, cariño (Ana, honey)" they yelled, no clue what that means. Before I knew it, Anastasia was full-on replying in Spanish. After she was done replying, she turned to look back at me and said "Come, I'll introduce you to the rest of my friends". She took my hand and we approached her friends. "Everyone, this is Scarlett, Scarlett this is Eiza Gonzalez, Hailee Steinfield, Emma Watson, and Ina", they all smiled and I smiled back while replying "Nice meeting you all". "Emma, here, is a big fan of yours, isn't that right Em?" Anastasia said in a certain tone. Emma blushed a little bit "Yes, you are truly a wonderful performer". I smiled and replied "Thank you, so are you. I've seen your work and you are very inspiring". Anastasia came closer and whispered in my ear "My friends like you". I looked at her and she was already smiling at me. After a few, we brought Lizzie over and we all talked for a few.

Time passed and we were having a really good time. We chatted, we went in the pool and overall everyone was so nice and Lizzie and I felt quite comfortable with Anastasia and her group of friends. I really want to tell Anastasia about what's going on with Colin. I want to try to have a serious relationship with her but before I need to tell her. I can't allow anyone in Rose's life if I'm not sure of it and I won't be sure until I tell her. I just hope she still likes me after... I'll ask her on a date and tell her.

— Hours Later —

Third Person's POV

Anastasia found herself in the lobby; she had received a work call and had just hung up when  Scarlett stood there, behind her, scaring her unintentionally. "Gosh, детка. You almost gave me a heart attack" said the brunette. Scarlett didn't reply, she seemed nervous, anxious. Anastasia's raising curiosity made her ask "Is everything okay?". Scarlett took a deep breath "Yes, I want to talk to you about something". The younger girl frowned "Sure, what is it?". "Would you like to go on a date with me? At my place" with a nervous tone the older actress said. "Oh, yes! Sure! You scared me for a second Scar. You look a little sick, love. You sure you're okay?" Anastasia put her hand on Scarlett's forehead to feel her temperature. She was fine... If you the young Anastasia knew the news that awaited her. Scarlett tried to dissimulate how anxious she was, especially because Anastasia seemed to think she was only nervous to ask her out. "Yeah, I guess you make me more nervous than usual in the bikini". For the record, it was true but we all know why she was truly nervous. A now, horny Anastasia said "Is that so? Maybe if you take it off, it won't make you feel nervous anymore...". Scarlett blushed. "I-I don't think that's how it works...". "Maybe... or maybe you should just try". Anastasia got closer and closer to Scarlett, there wasn't anyone around luckily enough, and she decided to make a risky move on the older woman. She walked around Scarlett and stopped right  behind her. Anastasia slid her hands around Scarlett's waist. Scarlett was only wearing a bikini. Anastasia was so close that Scarlett felt goosebumps all around her body. She didn't move, she didn't want to move. Then, she felt a hand moving her hair to the side, exposing her neck. Scarlett stopped breathing for a second. She closed her eyes, scared that if she moved, she wouldn't be able to control herself. She thought, she's only teasing. And Anastasia was indeed teasing but as said before, she made a risky move. Out of the blue, Scarlett felt these soft, moist lips on her neck, kissing it slowly, passionately, sensually. A moan escaped her mouth. Anastasia smiled while continuing to kiss the woman she had wished to kiss ever since she saw her. Hands going up and down Scarlett's abdomen. Scarlett laid her hands on top of Tia's. The young woman began kissing Scarlett's neck higher and higher, until she got to her ear. She gently pulled it with her teeth, making Scarlett moan again still with eyes closed, and whispered very sensually  "Fuck me, let's get a room, take me upstairs and fuck me". Scarlett's eyes shot open. She definitely didn't see that one coming. Twenty thousand thoughts went through her head. She wanted to do it, she wanted to taste Anastasia. She wanted to know what it felt like to explore her body. To know what it would feel like to allow the beautiful woman to touch her. She didn't say anything, she didn't have no words. Anastasia kissing her neck and bitting it didn't help her thinking process either.

After a few seconds passed, Scarlett finally began slowly turning around, to face the beautiful woman that was causing her so much pleasure already. Scarlett laid her hands on Anastasia cheeks, seeing the girl's desire she pulled her face closer, lips almost touching "I really want to kiss you, taste you, explore your mouth with my tongue... but... we can't". Anastasia smirked and asked "Why not? It's clear we both want the same thing", "Do we?" Scarlett took sighed and took a step back, separating them. "Talk to me, детка" Anastasia took Scarlett's hands in hers. "Tomorrow, at 8:00pm at my place... I need to think of my Rose too, you know" Scarlett said with a more serious tone. "Of course, I understand, love. I'll be there, sharp" Anastasia smiled and took Scarlett's right hand and kissed it. "You know you're a tease, right?" The blonde woman said. Anastasia bit her lip and said "Not as much as you are" she took a step closer "You sound so good when you moan". "Not as good as you'll sound when I make you moan" Scarlett clapped back. "You're getting cocky, I like it... and I don't doubt it".

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