I Dare You

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Scarlett's POV

"You alright? We've been looking for you everywhere" Chris said after he saw I was a little flustered. I was about to reply when his face changed to an angry one and almost yelled "Of course, you again". I looked behind me and there stood Anastasia, as imposing as always. We were both taken aback by the aggressiveness of his comment; Anastasia remained calmed but I could feel her loose her patience. He couldn't fully see her face because she had her sunglasses on again but I think he knew as well she was running out of patience. "Yes, me again. You've got a problem with that, mate?" yep, definitely pissed. Jesus, Chris. Could he be more rude? Anastasia's guys noticed the situation right away and quickly stood behind Chris since he was standing in the steps of the trailer, trapping him in the spot. I didn't want the situation to escalate so I got out of the trailer creating more space and it also helped to not feel trapped in between them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with Chris but I don't want anything to happen. Anastasia has 4 huge bodyguards with her and I am scared they could do something to Chris if he reacts... and Ekaterina had mentioned her and Tia were raised military so I'm afraid Anastasia could get physical too.

Third Person's POV

The scene being the following: In front of Scarlett's trailer stood a not-so-happy Anastasia. Scarlett a few steps in diagonal from the model and Chris Evans was about 5 meters straight from where Anastasia stood. Meanwhile Dimitri, Ivan, Marko and Viktor (Volkova's bodyguards) were surrounding their boss. Ready to throw hands at anyone that disrespected their dear leader.

The Black Widow actress tried to solve the situation by saying they needed to get back to work but Evans wouldn't listen. Chris, dressed as Captain America, the righteous man, wanted to pick up a fight. How dare this woman be in her best friend's life after all the damage she caused? She is the one responsible for Scarlett's injuries that day. If it weren't for her, Colin wouldn't have been mad that day and maybe, only maybe, Scarlett would've been able to get out of that relationship without a single scratch. Yes, Anastasia Volkova is the cause of her best friend getting assaulted, the actor thought. Just by looking at her his anger rose. Scarlett tried to make him leave, prevent a disaster but she couldn't know her friend was so filled with rage until she tried to grab him to make him move causing him to push her, accidentally, but the damage was done.

Anastasia didn't think it twice, the second he laid a hand on her it was over. To say she was angry is an understatement. The ex-mercenary and ex-spy launched at him, pushing him to disorient him and a second later a very effective lead hook, almost knocking him out and making the actor end up on the floor about a meter away from where he originally was. "Don't you fucking touch her! You hear me?" Anastasia said with poison in her voice. Immediately standing in front of the actress, protecting her. The actress panicked, seeing Chris on the floor with blood on his face. Anastasia unpredictable in that moment. Scarlett tried to grab her but she wasn't reacting, she wasn't moving either but there was no reaction whatsoever from the model; before the actress could scream for help Dimitri and Viktor grabbed their boss by the arms, as of saying don't do it.

Due to the commotion, people began gathering around, staring at the scene. "Anastasia, please stop, look at me, I'm fine. Please stop" Johansson begged the girl. You could see Anastasia was out of it, staring right at Chris, unfazed by what was happening around. "Это того не стоит, он того не стоит. Нельзя иметь нежелательное внимание. (It's not worth it, he's not worth it. You can't have unwanted attention)" Dimitri discreetly warned. In the chaos of it all, the rest of the cast with Elizabeth approached the scene. A few people had already gathered and someone had called security. The actors and actresses approached when they saw Chris on the floor, trying to stand up, asking all sorts of questions. Paul Bettany and Tom Holland had already helped Evans stand up, but you could see that hook was quite brutal since he was dizzy. Everyone now looking at Scarlett, Anastasia and the bodyguards. Again, Anastasia was completely unfazed by it, anger consuming her.

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