Welcome to New York

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Anastasia's POV

After landing in NYC I texted the twins to let them know where I would be staying. By the way, I don't think I've mentioned this before but I tend to travel with security. Ekaterina's request. After becoming sort of known in Europe, Ina got scared the Institute would come after us. Even though I can defend myself more than fine, I didn't want her to worry too much...and she's persuasive. We were lose ends after all and that was dangerous for organizations like the one we grew up in.

I got into the car that would take me to the place I was renting with Alexei and Dimitri (my bodyguards). My assistant had rented a flat on the Upper East Side where I would be staying for the next 3 weeks. Mary-Kate and Ashley had told me they could use me for a show that would take place in the next couple of months and would like to plan everything ahead of time since I live a continent away. Besides, I would be having meetings with some possible clients and even some investors, so I thought why not take advantage and do as much as I can to not have to come back anytime soon.

As soon as we got there, the boys and I got comfortable. I gave them the day off and I spend the rest of the day checking emails, making phone calls and making sure I wouldn't be needed the next day since I would be with the twins making sure everything would be ready for the following day. I finally went to sleep around 11:00pm.

The Next Day

I woke up around 6:00am, got out of bed and decided to shower right away. The twins said they would come at 11:00am to try the outfit. And hair and makeup would come around 1:00pm as well. As soon as I was done showering I went to the closet and put some grey sweats and an oversized white shirt. My room was on the second floor so I went down to the kitchen. I will say that yesterday when I arrived I was more than pleased with the place. It was wonderful and I had a great view of the city. Not bad for New York.

 Not bad for New York

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As soon as I got to the kitchen I went for some coffee

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As soon as I got to the kitchen I went for some coffee. Alexei and Dimitri had their own rooms in the first floor of the apartment, and just like me they wake up early. They were already in the lounge when I went downstairs. "кофе? (Coffee?)". I asked. "да, спасибо. (Yes, thank you)". They said in unison. I, then proceded to make coffee for all of us. After that I decided I would do some pancakes, I know the boys like them and it would be nice for them to have a proper breakfast for once. Alexei and Dimitri have been working for me for the past 5 years ever since Ina hired them. They are ex-military and Russian. Not the greatest combo, trust me, I would know. At the beginning they didn't talk much, they still don't but they're pleasant. We care for each other, after all, we are together almost 24/7.  I'm still getting used to that, caring, I mean. It's hard. Trusting, on the other hand, is harder. But I trust them enough.

Once breakfast was ready I called the guys to the counter and gave them each a plate. We all sat down in silence and ate. "Все готово к завтрашнему дню. Безопасность будет готова, и машина будет ждать вас, чтобы отвезти вас туда. (Everything is ready for tomorrow. Security will be ready and a car will be waiting for you to drive you there)". Dimitri informed me. "Хорошо, спасибо вам большое. (Alright, thank you)". I said.

Before we knew it, it was already 11:00am and someone was ringing the doorbell. Alexei went to open the door while I was checking some emails. "HONEY, I'M HOME!" Ashley yelled. "Gosh, Ashely can you be a little less annoying. Hi, Alex." said MK while they entered the lounge. I stood up with a smirk on my face from hearing their bickering. The second they saw me they hugged me so tight I thought I was going to stop breathing. "I...can't...breathe" I said while trying to get some oxygen. "Oh sorry". "I'm sorry, sorry" they both said. "We're so glad you're here honey. We've missed you". Ashley said, she put her hand on my arm and squeezed it a little, looking at me with relief. "O-kayy, let's not make this more depressing than it already is. We have two options for you babe" MK exclaimed. Before I was able to react, she was on her way to the front door, opened it, and pulled a rack of clothes. She brought it back inside, and opened the clothes covers to present to me the 2 options.

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"святое дерьмо (holy shit), see, this is why you two are in charge of my outfit

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"святое дерьмо (holy shit), see, this is why you two are in charge of my outfit. Wow, girls they're both splendid" I said in disbelief. I knew they weren't going to disappoint but still, they really outdid themselves this time. "Please, you're going to make me blush" said MK. "A beautiful outfit for our beautiful friend" Ashley was beaming with happiness, and continued "Now, now, try them!". 

A few minutes later

After trying out both outfits I made my decision. I was very happy with both outfits so I asked the twins if I could purchase both. I'll only wear one tomorrow but you never know when you'll need a nice outfit. "It was lovely seeing you again, darling. Don't be a stranger and call us, we can arrange something and catch up" Ashley mentioned. "I agree, call us Anastasia, if you don't, I'll come back here and break down your door" the scary twin threatened, a.k.a Mary-Kate. "I'll call, I promise" MK stared daggers at me. "I will! I want to keep having a front door, goodness!" I said defensively in an attempt to reassure the sisters I would call them. Unfortunately, after the fitting the twins had to leave and we hugged goodbye. All was left was hair and makeup.

After making sure everything was ready and set for tomorrow, I finished a couple of things from work. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner. I had dinner with the boys and not long after, I went to sleep. Let's see how tomorrow goes, I thought.

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