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Anastasia's POV

It's been 3 years since we left the States. Neither Ina nor I have been back after last time. Life has been... different. It's been a minute since I booked a job as a model, my current lifestyle and additional work scars have been partially why. My dear Ina went back to her old habits, meaning she works 24/7 and I never fully know where she is or for how long. It made me feel very lonely the week after she left but I understood I couldn't keep her forever.

I, just like her, resumed my business. I buried myself with work. I continued eliminating targets from my very long list of "projects" but eventually had to stop due to the danger it was causing me, Ina and even Elizabeth. You see about 8 months ago, Lizzie called me scared to death, she explained she was being followed again. Thankfully she had her own security guard that I had sent back home with her. He informed me it would be too risky for me to continue with my missions because they had located and identified Elizabeth. Not to worry though, I took care of it but decided to put it to rest for now, not wanting to put her in any more danger.

So for the most part I've been laying low, working on my other businesses and like Ina says, "staying out of trouble" which clearly hasn't been working out great since I've been taking more "security" gigs. Basically, I get hire by various individuals who need protection, I mostly work with royals and politicians. It's great business and it's amazing what you can do when you have such contacts. This is not a new job but it's one that I had previously decided to take less hours, per se.

Now, let's talk about Scarlett. Scarlett... I never thought letting go would hurt this much. A few months after Elizabeth went back, she told me Scarlett had talked to her about me and why she hadn't called or texted. She explained the break up had been really hard on her, that she wanted to talk to me but if she did, she was scared she wouldn't be able to say no. That day at Liz's party we had a moment and I think we both knew if the opportunity came, we would both be weak enough and just go back to each other, or at least I would be. I would say yes without hesitation, but I know that's not what she wants... that's not what she deserves. She deserves better, always has, and I am not better. So we didn't talk for a long time, she texted for my birthday but that was it, up until about 6 months ago, she called. I couldn't tell you how happy I was to receive that phone call, that was before I heard the news. She had started dating again. Dating. Such a simple word and yet that day it felt like that word made my world come down to pieces. She had started seeing a guy and she wanted to try and fully move on. I- I am trying my best to be happy for her, she deserves nothing but to be happy but it doesn't change the fact that it kills me knowing it's not me who's bringing her happiness. I just wasn't good enough...

Third Person's POV

Anastasia had take the news quite well, from the actress's perspective, a little too well.

— Flashback —

Scarlett had been seeing this guy for the past 2 months. Not much had happened, she wasn't very sure of this possible relationship but she had to try, right? She should try. John, the possible love interest of the actress was an athlete, a golf player to be precise. He was elegant, nice and well educated; money wasn't an issue either and he seemed to be a safe option compared to the men she had previously dated but there was only one issue: he wasn't her. He wasn't Anastasia. The actress only had one person in mind and that was Anastasia. Her feelings for the young woman hadn't vanished, even after all this time, and this wasn't helping her feeling any less guilty for dating someone else. It almost felt like cheating.

So, one day after weeks of thinking about it, the actress picked up her phone and dialled a number she hadn't called in a while. *Ring*, *Ring*. "Hello, darling. What a pleasant surprise", a hoarse voice said on the other end of the phone. That voice made the actress feel a certain way, "Hello, Anastasia". "How have you been?", the Russian girl truly wanted to know how her ex-lover was doing. Tia never stopped worrying and she never stopped caring which the actress knew. This made it even harder for her to break the news; guilt eating her alive. "Anastasia", the actress said. "Yes, love? Is everything alright?", a more worried Anastasia replied. A sole tear fell down Scarlett's cheek, "I'm sorry, I- I". "Scarlett, what is it?". "I am seeing someone". Silence. Pure silence. The model had been hurt in the past in the worst possible ways, physically and mentally, but hearing those words felt like nothing she had ever felt before. A pain greater than any other. Scarlett had moved on. "Anastasia?", the actress called with a gentle voice. After a few more minutes the other woman on the phone replied, "I'm happy for you. If you ever need anything, let me know". Scarlett was shocked, she didn't expect such reply, she felt relieved but also sad the model hadn't disagreed with her. Maybe a part of her wished she would've declared her love in that moment, to say "I love you", to say "Leave him, come with me. Let's make a life together" but that wasn't reality. That was just a dream. "Thank you, I will", the actress said back. "You deserve to be happy, love and I'm just sorry I couldn't give that to you" was Tia's reply. "Thank you", were the only words the actress could make. "I've gotta go, darling but it was nice hearing your voice. I've missed it". Those were the last words the younger girl said before hanging up.

— End of flashback —

Life didn't stop. Life doesn't stop for anyone and Anastasia knew that better than anyone so she did what she knew how to do best: work. Bury herself in work to forget the pain she felt. Heartbreak is a bitch and the model wanted nothing to do with love after it. It doesn't mean she didn't feel love for others. She loved Ekaterina with all of her heart and she had grown to love Elizabeth even more in the past months. The brunette actress had spent more time with Anastasia these past months, in fact, every time she had the chance to jump on a plane and take a holiday, she would spend it with Tia. Due to Ina's absence, Lizzie knew her friend needed someone to not feel alone and she wanted to be that someone. She became that someone. They went from skiing in the mountains of Switzerland to eating outside cafés in France. Having Lizzie there always made her feel better and it sure felt like she wasn't alone anymore. Both the actress and the lawyer became the most important people in the young model's life and despite it all, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Anastasia had found a new home in Elizabeth and she was not about it let that one go. The model knew she would do whatever she had to do to keep her safe and that included telling her a bigger part of her truth, which she did in one of those sporadic visits. It took the actress a few to fully process it but just like Anastasia, Elizabeth had grown to love Tia so much more than she ever imagined, and this wasn't going to make that change. This only helped them both know they would always be there for each other; and just like that Ina and Lizzie became all the model cared about, or at least, that's what Tia thought.

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