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TW: Sexual content.

Third Person's POV

After "breaking up" with John, Scarlett ran up to Anastasia. "Tia, wait", the actress called grabbing the model's arm. Anastasia stopped in her tracks. "Scar- I don't think-", before the model could finish her phrase, Scarlett interrupted her "It's over with him". Anastasia was surprised; she was clearly with him a minute ago, she wouldn't just finish things like that. "What do you mean? You were with him a second ago". "I broke it off. I don't want to be with him — we weren't even official. I just want you. I want to be with you and I know I've fucked up in the past but I won't do it again, if you give me the chance". The model was speechless. Did she really broke up with him for me? Tia questioned herself. "I-", she was about to reply when they announced the ceremony was about to start and they needed to go back to their assigned seats. Scarlett looked almost desperate for an answer. "Ma'am, you have to go back to your seat", someone working there informed Anastasia. "In a second", Tia replied politely. Turning to Scarlett once more, the model stared into those green eyes, "Would you like to seat with us? There's plenty of space and we could talk more". "I'd love that", the actress smiled.

Taking the actress' hand, Anastasia guided her to their table. Elizabeth smiled when she saw the girls together knowing how much it meant to her friends to finally be able to "be together". "Here, you can seat next to her. I'll move", Lizzie offered her chair to Scarlett. "Thanks Liz", Scar smiled while taking a seat. Anastasia, of course, grabbed another chair and asked everyone to move a bit to make space for Liz. She wanted both women by her side. Scarlett, for obvious reasons and Elizabeth, she gave her comfort and her presence made her feel less anxious; call it a habit.

The ceremony started and for most of it the girls watched. Every now and then a comment would be made but mostly, Scarlett and Tia enjoyed the peace it brought them to be close to each other. Anastasia kept stealing glances from the actress. She felt hopeful, she was determined to not let her fears ruin everything again. "You deserve to be loved, you deserve a happy ending", Anastasia thought about the words Ina had said after asking if she deserved the love Scarlett gave her. As the hours passed, the ceremony came to an end and Anastasia and Scarlett took the opportunity to go to a more secluded area to discuss some more.

"So...", Scarlett, who was standing in front of the model, initiated. "So...", the model repeated looking at the actress with a flirtatious expression. "You ended things with him", Anastasia looked for reassurance. "I did. I feel like an asshole for the way I did it but-", Scarlett looked down and walked closer to the beautiful woman standing in front of her, "for you, I'd do anything". The big smile across Tia's face said it all. "I missed you... a lot. I... I love you". Those three words, those three simple words: I, love, you, shocked the actress. She knew or thought she knew how Anastasia felt but hearing those words coming out of her mouth made such a big difference. Those words made all the pain be worth it; without second guessing, Scarlett pulled Anastasia and kissed her. She kissed her like there was no tomorrow. Anastasia was quick to reciprocate, all of their emotions put into one kiss; lips moving in synchrony and hearts overflowing with emotion.

Tia gently pushed Scarlett into a wall, kissing her with more hunger and desire than ever before. Long forgotten that they were still in a public place — secluded but public. The model exploring her now-lover's body, her lips traveling to Johansson's jaw and then neck. Scarlett let a moan out, feeling turned on. "I love you so much", the actress said in between moans. Tia stopped for a moment and staring into Scar's stunning green eyes, she replied "I love you so fucking much". Scarlett grabbed the younger woman by the hips, closing the gap between them once again. The kiss becoming more heated by the second, tongues fighting for dominance; wrapped in their bubble, they didn't hear when a person approached.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now