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Anastasia's POV

After "coincidentally" meeting Scarlett and Elizabeth, the twins and I went our separate ways but not before I lectured them about minding their own business.

It is still early in the day and today I have no plans. So I decided to go back to my flat and call Ekaterina. I miss her, she's been busy lately but she also seems to be calling everyone but me. As soon as the guys and I got there, I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water; while I was drinking I received a phone call. «Bonjour, est-ce que je peux parler avec Mademoiselle Volkova? (Hello, can I speak with Miss Volkova?)» the person on the phone asked. « Bonjour, oui c'est moi. Comment est-ce que je peux vous aider? (Hello, yes it's me. How can I help you?) » I replied after taking a sip of water and walking to the sitting room. «Mademoiselle Volkova, je m'appelle Claudine. Je suis la secrétaire de Monsieur Cadwallader. Il voulait que je vous appelle pour savoir si vous participerez au défilé de cette année à Paris parce qu'il voudrait que vous fassiez partie du défilé de Mugler. (Miss Volkova, my name is Claudine. I'm Mister Cadwallader's secretary. He wanted me to call you to know if you will be participating in this year fashion show in Paris because he would like you to be part of Mugler's show)» Claudine informed me. « Oh, je ne suis pas sûre Madame. Je vais participer mais je ne sais pas si je vais accepter votre proposition. J'ai beaucoup d'offres d'autres designers. Mais, si Monsieur Cadwallader est prêt à négocier et veut m'avoir dans son défilé, nous pouvons peut-être arranger quelque chose. (Oh, I'm not sure ma'am. I will be participating but I don't know if I will be accepting your proposal. I have a lot of offers from other designers. But, if Mister Cadwallader is open to negotiate and wants to have me in his show, we can maybe arrange something)» It is true that I have a lot of offers although Mugler is one that I know for a fact I will be accepting. They're huge in the industry and that would be a hell of a comeback but I need to make it hard for them. Let's see what they got to offer.

I spent most of the day on a video call with the designer and CEO of the brand. We agreed that I would be the face of their show, they wanted "The Russians" to make their big entrance out from retirement in their show. I told them I would see and try to convince Ekaterina but that it may not happen. They accepted anyway, having one of us is better than none. I also accepted to do a couple of other shows for other brands their group owned but I would need to approve them before hand and choose which ones I would be willing to do. The pay only for the Mugler show is good. Let's say that check will have more than 3 zeros at the end. Now, in addition to that one I'll do a couple more... I might become richer than this whole state.

After hours of negotiation, I was finally free. Don't think I forgot about Ina. I was laying in bed eating takeout that the boys had ordered  and rang my friend. After a few second she picked up "Hey love". "Сука (bitch)" was my response. "Они сказали, что я звонила. (They told you I called)" she sighed. "Да, так и есть. (Yes, they did)" I told her while taking a bite of my food. "Послушай, Сальма позвонила и сказала, что какая-то горячая цыпочка следила за тобой всю ночь. я рассказала близняшкам, потому что они знают всех в городе, и тебе нужно потрахаться. (Look, Salma called and said some hot chick was onto you the whole night. I told the twins because they know everyone in town and you need to get laid)" Ekaterina replied bluntly. "Ина! (Ina!)". "что? (What?)" she replied not caring at all that I didn't want her in my business. "Да ладно, детка, тебе не нравится эта девушка. (Come on, babe, it's not like you like the girl)" after she said that, silence. I don't know why I didn't reply right away. It's not like it like like her... "Она тебе нравится, Тиа? (Do you like her, Tia?)" Ina asked now unsure of my response. I sat straight on my bed and sighed "Не знаю. Она мне не нравится. Кроме того, она была с кем-то, с парнем, я думаю. (I don't know. I can't like her. Besides she was with someone, a boyfriend, I think)". "I- ugh I don't know Ina. I don't know" I continued a few seconds after. Ekaterina said "You can talk to me, my love. I won't judge". "You know I don't date. I don't do relationships. I don't know how and I don't want to. I don't even know what I'm feeling. It's...But there's something about her that- I haven't been able to sleep. I keep thinking about her and that's not normal. Ughh." I was getting frustrated with myself for having these weird feelings. "Hey, it's alright. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something but you'll figure it out. Just don't forget about me, okay?" Ina said the last part joking. I laughed. She always knows how to make everything better. "I won't. You're my person. And you're hot as hell. That makes you pretty unforgettable" I said "flirting". This time Ekaterina was the one laughing. "You bet. Now stop being a prick and get the girl's number" she try to instruct. "Actually..." I began. "Anastasia Svetlana Volkova, what did you do?" Ina asked with a severe tone. "Nothing! I had a coffee with her earlier and gavemynumbertoanothergirl" I said as fast as I could. "You what?". "" I whispered. "Oh god, you are such a prick" I heard the disappointment in her voice. "Hey! I know she'll text, they always do" I try to defend myself. "Of course she will you moron, but if you like the girl you can't go around giving your number to other girls, especially not in front of her!". She has a point. "What about the boyfriend?" I asked. "What about him? If she likes you and you like her, she'll have to break up with him" she said convincingly. "Just like that?" I'm sorry I know I seem slow but the only person I've ever "dated" is Ekaterina. I've only ever had sex with people, nothing serious. "Just like that". Mhm okay I guess. I'm convinced enough. "Okay, I'll let you know if there's any news about that" I said now more relaxed. Ina and I talked for a few more hours when I saw I had a notification. It read "Hey, it's Scarlett. Johansson. Lizzie gave me your number, I hope that's okay". "Вот хрень (Oh shit)" I said. "What is it?" My friend asked. "She texted" . "Already?" We were both surprised it didn't take long at all. "Apparently". Ina laughed shortly and said "Alright tiger, I'll leave you to it. Text me". "Shut up, я люблю тебя. (I love you)" I replied smiling. "Я тоже тебя люблю, пока. (I love you too, bye)" and then she hung up.

I opened my messages and yep, she just texted. Normally, I would wait a few before replying but I didn't care about that right now.

 Normally, I would wait a few before replying but I didn't care about that right now

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I couldn't help but to smile when I saw her reply. She's sassy, I like it.

Can you blame me? I'm liking
the attention you give me.

Do you? And here I thought
you liked me. But I see you are
an attention seeker or maybe
it's that boyfriend of yours who
doesn't know how to take care
of you.



She's taking some time to reply...Every time someone mentions him she seems to become upset. There is something off but I don't know what it is. It's not my business but...I hope it's nothing.

I do like you, we wouldn't
be talking if it wasn't the case.

Although I will say I am
offended. You gave Lizzie your
number but you didn't give it to
me. And here I thought we were

Maybe she's fine but I'll keep an eye on the guy. I hope I'm making things up but I'm sure I'm not. Moving on...

I gotta play hard to get. It
wouldn't be fun otherwise.

So you like to be chased? I thought
you were more mature than that.

Ouch. She's got attitude, I like it.

Lizzie told me you'll only stay in
town for a few.

Is that all she said about me?
Come on, I know her sisters
told her more than that.

She may have mention other

You can tell me, I won't be mad.

You sure about that?

Yes, come on, I won't bite.
Unless you want me to 😉

You are unbelievable.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now