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Ekaterina's POV

I landed in New York City not long ago and I'm on my way to the Olsen's place to meet up with them and Scarlett Johansson.

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I brought my own car since my stay would be indefinite

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I brought my own car since my stay would be indefinite. The twins offer for me to stay with them for a few days since that would be the meet up point.  Depending on how severe things were, I would tell Anastasia I was in town to visit her and would stay with her. If things were too bad I would stay in a hotel and tell her I had work in the city and wanted to surprise her. We'll see.

When I arrived in the Olsen's building, I texted them and told them I would be there any minute. I went up on the elevator with some of my security team and the rest remained downstairs. I approached the door and knocked thrice. I heard voices inside the flat, I'm 100% sure there's more than 4 people inside. Great. I'll have an audience. "Ekaterina" Ashley opened the door, "Hi darling" I replied and greeted her with a kiss in each cheek. "Please come in, Mary-Kate is making coffee" Ashley moved aside and followed me inside. I was wearing dark sunglasses, when I stepped inside I saw a room full of people and Mary-Kate approaching me stopping whatever she was doing. "Ina, you're here" Mary-Kate hugged me and I returned the hug. "Seems like you needed saving" I told her. "We did" Ashley said continuing the coffee. "I'll introduce you to everyone" Mary-Kate started, "Ekaterina, this is our little sister, Elizabeth, and they are Chris and Robbie, Chris is a friend and Robbie is Elizabeth's husband" she informed me. "Pleasure to meet you all" I replied politely. "And lastly, this is Scarlett Johansson, your new client" the older twin said. "Nice meeting you" Scarlett approached me. I took a few steps closer and asked "Do you mind?" making sure I could check her injuries. "Eh go ahead" she said. I grabbed her face and lifted it a little bit. "Did you take pictures like I said?" I asked the twins. "Just like you said" Ashley showed me her phone while handing me a cup of coffee. "Great" I said and turned to Scarlett "Nice meeting you". She just nodded. I went to the lounge and sat down on the couch, they all looked at me expectantly and followed, all except the twins, they're used to, well, me. "My name is Ekaterina Orlova, Miss Johansson I'll be your lawyer for as long as is needed, as a favor to Ashley and Mary-Kate. I would like you to tell me everything, from the beginning. And piece of advice, unless you want an audience, I would recommend you to ask your friends to leave" I told Scarlett and then sipped my cup of coffee. "We'll stay" Chris said. "Yes, we were aware to a certain point of the abuse, we're witnesses right?" Elizabeth approached her friend and asked. "Unless you saw him hit her you are, so far, useless" I placed my cup on the table in front of the couch, and I leaned on the couch with my arm on it. "You're very rude, did you know" Chris said annoyed. I took my sunglasses off, looked him in the eye and said "I am here to do my job not to make friends, and unless you are a lawyer you are more than welcome to shut up" I informed him. He was speechless after that. "I thought they could help since they were aware of my ehm husband's behavior" Scarlett sat on the couch in front and the twins sat each next to me. "We can't prosecute for abuse now, it'll be a battery charge for now. If we win that, and we will, you will be able to sue for abuse" I told my client. "So it'll be more than one trial?" She asked. "Yes, how many? Well, that'll depend on what your answers are" I explained. "What do you mean?" The youngest Olsen in the room asked. "The next question Miss Johansson, if a yes, you may not want your friends in the room" I looked at her right in the eyes. "What's the question?" Chris interrupted. I know she knows. The girls in the room knew. "The answer is no" Scarlett said. "The answer is no? Scarlett she hasn't even asked" Chris told her, clueless. "You should ask your friends to leave Miss Johansson" I tried to insist. "What is the question?" Chris kept insisting. This Chris guy seems nice but he's annoying. "It's okay, they can stay" she told me. "We can leave, Liz we should leave" the twins tried to reason. "It's alright, ask" Scarlett's got balls I have to admit. "What? Someone tell me already, I don't understand" Robbie whispered something into Chris' ear, I assume something in between the lines shut and up. I looked at Scarlett one last time before asking. "Did your husband ever raped you Miss Johansson?" I asked. Chris just stood up, seemingly pissed and said "what" and looked at Scarlett. "No, no he didn't" she looked straight to my eyes. "You sure you want them here" I tried one last time. "Yes, I'm sure". "Suit yourself. I'm aware you have a daughter Miss Johansson, did she ever make mention of your husband touching her inappropriately?" Questioning is never easy, that's why I advised for privacy but she declined. "God" Elizabeth whispered putting her hands of her face. Scarlett froze for a second. "I-I don't think so". "Miss Johansson, I know this is hard, but I need you to be sure" I told her gently. "She's rarely with us, and when she is, I'm always in the penthouse too" she tried to assure herself. "Okay, good. I would recommend you to take your daughter with a therapist and tell them about the situation just so that they can make sure your child hasn't kept it a secret" it's always best to make sure about these things, especially when it's kids. "Gosh, o-okay, I will" she said now stressed. They all were. "Good, now, do you know what caused the outburst?" was my last question for the moment. I only needed to know the basis, for now, at least. "Yes" she sighed. "I um I was texting Anastasia, I understand you are friends with her" she began explaining. Shit Tia. "What was the mood of the conversation? I'm assuming he wouldn't have had that outburst if you were texting a friend. From what I've heard" I said honestly. It was clear her friend Chris wasn't aware of her interest in females. "We were flirting, nothing else" she finally replied. "Alright" was all I said. "Wait, it's because of her that he hurt you?" Chris asked. "Chris..." Mary-Kate warned. "She should know this is because of her, I warned you about her" the younger Olsen said. "Both of you shut up" Ashley almost yelled. "Miss Johansson, neither you or your friends will say anything to Anastasia" I said calmly, standing up from the couch. "Why not? She caused this!" Chris argued. "Chris shut it" Scarlett tried to stop him from arguing but it didn't work. "Because I say so, unless you want to find a new lawyer. It's irrelevant for her to know. And she's not responsible for your friend's husband's actions" I answered. "It's fine Chris. She's right, it's not her fault. We're both adults, I know flirting when married is wrong. And I knew Colin is an extremely jealous person. I caused this" Scarlett agreed with me. She's not so bad after all. She's the victim here, I get that but like I said before, Anastasia is my priority and unfortunately she is somehow involved in this. I won't let her feel bad for something she didn't do. "Fine" Chris gave up fighting. "You didn't cause this. Colin is the sole responsible" I told Scarlett, she smiled lightly.

"Will you be staying here then?" Mary-Kate asked. "No, I'll stay with Tia. I'll tell her I was visiting" the twins knew what that meant, thankfully, it didn't get too far. She wasn't sexually assaulted, thank god. No one should ever experience that. I don't think her child was either but we'll make sure. And I'll be able to stay with Anastasia and see how she's doing. She'll be happy to see me, it's been months. And I know what you're thinking, I will tell her, but not now, I need to find out how hooked up she is with this girl. Because if she is hooked up, and hears about this, she'll want to kill the guy and I know she can and might. There's no doubt on my mind. "It was nice meeting you all, Miss Johansson the twins already gave me your contact info, I'll send you an email with the details of our next appointment. Ladies, it was good seeing you, I'll text when I can. Elizabeth, Robbie, it was a pleasure" I said my goodbyes to everyone, and I just nodded at Chris. He seems like the protective kind, I get it, I respect it. Doesn't make him less annoying though. "Thank you for coming all the way here, Miss Orlova" Scarlett extended her hand for me to shake and continued "And call me Scarlett, you'll  be helping me with my mess so you can call me Scarlett". I smiled and replied "Scarlett then, you can call me Ekaterina. And don't worry, it's my job. My sincerest apologies, I know it's hard". After that the twins hugged me one last time and I left.

After calling Anastasia's assistant she gave me her schedule since I had already asked for her address. I knew she would be in her flat so I went for dinner, pizza-New York style, and then to her place. My security team would be staying at a hotel nearby. I went upstairs with the pizza and knocked on her door, Dimitri opened the door and he smiled, all I said was "Shh" and he let me inside. Anastasia yelled from upstairs "Дмитрий, кто там стучал? (Dimitri, who knocked on the door?)", she started to come down the stairs and she saw me standing in the middle of the lounge area. She stopped for a few seconds and then came running to me "Боже мой, что ты здесь делаешь? я так скучала по тебе! (Oh my god, what are you doing here? I missed you so much!)" she had launched herself a little too hard and we ended up on the couch, with her on top of me. "Я тоже скучал по тебе, любовь моя. я хотел удивить тебя. (I missed you too, my love. I wanted to surprise you)" I told her while hugging her. I could feel her hide her face deeper and deeper into my neck. I love this girl so much. I hugged her as tight as I could. After a few seconds we let go of each other and I told her "я принес ужин. (I brought dinner)" and showed her the pizza. "Я уже говорил, как сильно люблю тебя? (Did I already tell you how much I love you?)" was her response when she saw it, she had the biggest smile on her face. I looked at her with my serious face and said "Хм, дай-ка подумать... Нет, нет. (Mhm, let me think...No, you haven't)", she pushed me a little bit, messing around and told me "Я люблю тебя, я очень люблю тебя. (I love you, I love you very much)" and rolled her eyes. We stood up and went to the kitchen for dinner.

Two hours later —

We were in bed watching movies,"Как долго вы здесь пробудете? (For how long are you staying?)" Anastasia asked. "Я все еще не знаю, но я не скоро уеду, это точно. (I still don't know but I won't be leaving soon, that's for sure)" I answered sincerely. Tia laid her head on my shoulder. "Ты ведь останешься со мной? (You will stay with me, right?)" she asked to which I replied joking "Если только ты не хочешь, чтобы я спал на улице. (Unless you want me to sleep on the streets)". She just laughed lightly. "Ну, как дела со Скарлетт? (So, how is it going with Scarlett?)" I asked. Anastasia sighed "Она оставила меня читать, прошло два дня. Знаешь, что хуже? (She left me in read, it's been two days. You know what's the worst part?)", she stood up and grabbed the bottle of wine we put on the nightstand and poured herself a glass. I smiled at her antics and told her "Не знаю, но я полагаю, что ты мне все равно скажешь. (I don't know but I am assuming you will tell me anyway)". Tia stopped for a second before coming back to bed to look at me and say "заткнуться (shut up)" and I laughed. "Хуже всего то, что мне не все равно. (The worst part is that I care)" she said in bed while drinking wine. After that we talked for a few about how confused she was, her job, my job, how much we missed each other and how she was pissed I called the twins and not her. We also talked for a few about Scarlett and I just told her that if she liked the girl to go for it but to give it a few and wait for Scarlett to text, especially since I knew what she had gone through.

Some time later, we decided to go to sleep. Tia and I cuddled and just fell asleep, we always sleep better together, no nightmares and that's something that both of us missed. Once she knows, things will get interesting but for now, for now, it's just her and I again.

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