Déjà vu

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Third Person's POV

"This year the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival will be a bit different. For the first time ever since it first began, royals and presidents' children will be attending to this magical night here in Cannes, France. Tonight we will be seeing in exclusive all whom were invited; this change was made because the daughter of President Macron wanted to attend after sponsoring in almost full totality the event. Who will come? Which politician or royal would like to see? Stay tuned, this is Maëva from Brut. Bonne nuit et merci!" the reporter said finishing the broadcast.

A few days ago, our dearest Anastasia received an invitation to attend the Festival. As always, she had rejected it but 3 days after, a second invitation came, this time from a friend who was none other than President's Macron daughter. Tia hesitated at first, knowing there would be a possibility of Scarlett going to the event but after multiple calls with Elizabeth and many others with Sophia (Macron's daughter), she finally accepted.

— Stockholm, Sweden —

Anastasia found herself in a luxurious office; she was sitting down in front of a long glass table, 4 men were sat along the table, all business men. Papers were spread all over it and in front of the main business men, a contract. The model or in this case, our business woman, was finalising a deal with Svenska Handelsbanken, the main bank in Sweden. This contract would allow Anastasia's IT company to have full control of the cyber security of the bank, and it would also allow the bank to have access to a net of international servers from multiple banks and diverse companies at any time, anywhere in the world. A deal Volkova would often make with those who partnered with her, it gave a fair advantage to companies to see what their competitors were doing. 

The associates and CEO of Svenska Handelsbanken were done signing the contract only 3 hours before the Cannes Festival. "Tack. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta arbeta med VK Inc och dig Ms Volkova. (Thank you. We look forward to continue working with VK Inc and you Ms. Volkova)", the CEO said while shaking Anastasia's hand. "Det var ett sant nöje att göra affärer med er, herr Björk. (It was a real pleasure doing business with you Mr. Björk)", Anastasia politely replied with a small smile on her face.

After a rather long and tedious meeting, the model left satisfied with what she had accomplished. "Мы опаздываем в Канны. (We are running late for Cannes)", Marko reminded the model. "Знаю, знаю. (I know, I know)" Tia replied while walking back to the car. As soon as everyone got in, they drove to the airport where a private jet would be waiting. They quickly got on the plane and before they knew it, they were already in the air on their way to Cannes, France.

— Cannes, France —

Anastasia's POV

I am 40 minutes late. I had work to do on the plane meaning I didn't exactly had time to change and Ekaterina is not picking up the phone. I am not in the greatest mood, but at least I'll see Lizzie and maybe even Scarlett. I just hope I don't regret saying yes to Sophia.

We parked as close as we could from the main entrance. Dimitri and the others got out the cars and opened the door for me, covering me as much as they could. We wanted to avoid the paparazzi since I was already running late.

The festival was held in a beautiful historical building. Its renaissance architecture, high ceilings and extraordinary paintings made the place ideal for this sort of event. I walked in with Dimitri and my other 5 bodyguards. Heads turning our way as we walked towards Sophia's table. I guess my faux fur coat wasn't helping me to blend in either.

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