Good Girl Era Gone Bad

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TW: Violence, mention of blood and murder.

Ekaterina's POV

It's been a week since my dear Anastasia arrived and since I was shot. Recovery is a bitch. After explaining everything to Anastasia, she decided to stay indefinitely to start working  on our... predicament.


Anastasia stared directly into Ekaterina's eyes, making a promise "Они заплатят за это. (They will pay for this)". Gathered around a round table, Anastasia, Ekaterina and the Chief of Defence were seated, Volkova was the first one to speak, asking for a debrief on the situation "Was ist passiert? (What happened?)". "Erinnerst du dich an die Typen, die Elizabeth vor ein paar Wochen gefolgt sind? (Remember those guys who followed Elizabeth a few weeks ago?)" Ekaterina began. "Ja, natürlich. Sie sagten mir, Sie würden sich darum kümmern. (Yes, of course. You told me you would look into it)". "Ich tat es. Der General hat mir den Gefallen getan, sie in ihrer Datenbank mit den von Ihnen bereitgestellten Informationen zu suchen. (I did. The General did me the favour to look them up in their database with the information you provided)" the lawyer explained, allowing the Chief to continue "Wir fanden heraus, dass sie einen kriminellen Hintergrund hatten, genauer gesagt, dass sie mit "The Professor" zusammengearbeitet haben. (We found out that they had a criminal background, more specifically that they used to collaborate with "The Professor"). Anastasia couldn't believe it, she had hoped to be wrong, she had hoped for her paranoia to be just that, paranoia, but it seemed that her worse fears were confirmed; putting an emotionless expression, the model let out "Института. (The Institute)". Ekaterina gave her friend an apologetic look and proceeded with her explanation "Ich folgte ihrer Spur zurück in die Slowakei. Sie schienen versucht zu haben, Ihnen zu folgen, konnten Sie aber nicht finden, also fanden sie stattdessen Elizabeth irgendwie. Sie haben Informationen gesammelt. (I followed their trace back to Slovakia. They seemed to have tried to follow you but couldn't find you, so instead, they found Elizabeth somehow. They were gathering information)". "Wir glauben, dass das Institut wieder streiken will. Wir wissen nicht, wann oder wie, aber Agent, sie scheinen sehr an Ihnen interessiert zu sein. (We believe The Institute plans to strike again. We don't know when or how, but Agent, they seem very interested in you)" the Chief added. "Sie wollen den Job beenden, den sie vor Jahren nicht beenden konnten, als wir flohen. (They want to finish the job they couldn't finish years ago when we escaped)" Anastasia connected the dots. Both the Chief and Ekaterina nodded, acknowledging and agreeing with that statement. Thinking about the two actresses back in L.A, Volkova turned to Ekaterina and directly asked "Думаешь, они в безопасности? (Do you think they are safe?)". "Кажется, ничто не указывает на то, что они будут искать Элизабет. Что касается Скарлетт, похоже, что она полностью вне поля зрения. Ваши отношения с ней совершенно личные.(Nothing seems to indicate that they'll be looking for Elizabeth. As for Scarlett, it looks like she's completely off radar. Your relationship with her is completely private)" Orlova assured the model. "Was werden wir dagegen tun? (What are we going to do about it?)" Tia asked. The Chief spoke "Die deutsche Regierung wird Sie schützen, Sie beide sind ein wertvolles Gut für dieses Land, leider können wir nicht viel gegen diese Situation tun, da es sich um eine ausländische Organisation handelt, die von einem fremden Land finanziert wird. Obwohl ich aus den Aufzeichnungen berichten werde, wenn theoretisch zwei unserer Agenten auf deutschem Boden "angegriffen" würden, wären wir in der Lage, natürlich mit gewissen Einschränkungen einzugreifen. Und wir könnten Ihnen die notwendige Ausrüstung zur Verfügung stellen, wenn Sie es brauchen.
(The government of Germany will protect you, you two are valuable assets to this country, unfortunately, we won't be able to do much about this situation since it involves a foreign organization funded by a foreign country. Although, I will state off record, if theoretically, two of our agents were "attacked" in german soil, we would be able to intervene, with certain limitations of course. And we could provide you with the equipment necessary if you were to need it)". A grateful Anastasia and an appreciative Ekaterina thanked the man in front of them. With a hopeful glance, Ekaterina turned to her friend and apprised her "Мы выследим их, каждого коллаборациониста Института, и мы заставим их заплатить за то, что они сделали с нами. Я заставлю их заплатить за то, что они сделали с тобой. (We'll track them down, every single collaborator of The Institute, and we will make them pay for what they did to us. I will make them pay for what they did to you)". Hearing the confidence in Ina's voice, Anastasia knew they would be okay and with a devilish smile she looked at her confidant and said "Тогда давайте приступим к работе. (Let's get to work then)".

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