Do dreams come true...?

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Anastasia's POV

I woke up from what felt like a dream. I was still in bed with Scarlett's arm wrapped around my waist. I can't begin to explain how euphoric I feel. I looked up to see if Scar had woken up; to my surprise she had and she was smiling, looking at me. "Good morning, sexy", she said with that raspy morning voice of hers. "Hey, beautiful", I smiled back. She placed her hand under my chin lifting it up and kissing me. I swear I can feel my whole being melting. "Mhmm", I moaned when I felt her tongue teasing mine. I felt her smiling against our kiss. "We should have breakfast baby". "I don't want to get out of bed", I stated the obvious. "Come on, people must be waiting for us", she insisted. "Let them wait. I have you naked on my bed, do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?". I sat on the bed admiring her body. She bit her lip, "I know exactly how you feel". Her eyes now scanning my naked body. She crawled to me and laid her hand on my chest slowly bringing it down to my abdomen. "You got even hotter and fitter, if that's even a thing", she joked making me laugh. "Unfortunately, as tempting as this is, I am getting hungry", Scar added. We stood up, got dressed and hand-in-hand went to the kitchen where everyone was.

"Good morning", Lizzie was the first to speak. She had a devilish smile. "Good? We barely slept with all the noise", Dimitri spoke with his thick accent. Everyone laughed at his comment. "Sorry", Scar blushed. As we opened the fridge, Liz said there was food on the table. We gladly sat and started eating with them.

They're all awfully quiet. I could see that Scarlett had noticed it as well. Disturbing the silence I asked, "What's wrong?" . They looked at each other. Before anyone could answer, the front door opened and I could hear the sound of hills hitting against the floor. I could recognise that walk from a mile away. I turned around to face Ekaterina with a smile but my expression quickly changed when I saw the look she had on her face. She wasn't happy, I wouldn't say mad but maybe worried. My doubts were confirmed when she threw a paper in the middle of the table, a Spanish newspaper  and on the front page it read, "Empresaria y Modelo Multibillonaria Anastasia Volkova sostiene una relación romántica con actriz Hollywoodense Scarlett Johansson (Business woman and multimillionaire model Anastasia Volkova is in a romantic relationship with Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson)". My heart stopped for a second. My face said it all...I had a look of panic. I quickly stood up and opened my laptop which was on the kitchen counter. Typing as fast as I can on Google "Scarlett Johansson". An infinite amount of articles popped up: "Actress Scarlett Johansson and her new lover?". "Cheating Scarlett Johansson is a lesbian". "Anastasia Volkova and Scarlett Johansson in a romantic relationship". "Who is Scarlett's new lesbian partner? European model?". "Ex-boyfriend spills the tea— Scarlett Johansson", among many others. I felt like I was going to pass out. I fucked up. Big time.

"We can fix it, right?", I heard Scarlett's faint voice in the back. She doesn't understand. She doesn't know. I just ruined her life and she doesn't even know it. "Love, it's going to be okay. Anastasia, breathe. Anastasia!", I didn't realise I was having a panic attack, Ina was trying to get me out of it. "Tia, it's going to be okay", I could hear Scar's voice say. Lizzie came quickly to check on me.

Third Person's POV

The model was completely out of it. Scarlett knew it wasn't good but she didnt understand why the big deal. Sure, it was going to be a shit show but it's nothing she hasn't deal with before. The three women tried to help the model but failed. Out of nowhere, she came back to reality but the panic was very much still there. Anastasia quickly pushed past the women and went to Dimitri, "Find Rose and her father and bring them here. Now". Scarlett panicked when she heard her daughter's name. "Rose? Why Rose?". Dimitri began walking away since he had received his orders. "Нет. Дмитрий, вы никуда не пойдете. (No. Dimitri you are not going anywhere)". Ekaterina stopped him in his tracks. She turned to Anastasia, "Ты не можешь этого сделать, ты психуешь и действуешь нерационально. (You can't do that, you are freaking out and you are not being rational)". "Of course I'm freaking out! I might've as well put a red target on her back", Anastasia yelled. "What are you talking about?", a concerned Scarlett asked.

In that precise moment, the doorbell rang. One of Tia's security opened the door and Scarlett's manager and publicist came in. As the women entered, they greeted with a small smile on their faces but reading the room, they fell silent. "What are you talking about?", Scarlett asked her lover again. Anastasia couldn't look at her. How could she explain? "Baby, can you please tell me?", the actress insisted again, this time approaching the model. "Я не хочу потерять ее снова. Я не могу потерять ее снова. (I don't want to lose her again. I can't lose her again)", Tia pried for Ina's help. "She deserves to know", Ina replied to her and then talking to both Anastasia and Scarlett she continued, "She loves you, she'll understand. It's not your fault you went through that". "She's right, Tia. She deserves to know and I'm sure Scar is more than open to listen", Elizabeth jumped in the conversation. Scarlett worried, she didn't know what they were talking about but it must have been serious enough to perturb Anastasia like that. She wanted to reassure her because it didn't matter what it was, she would always be there for the model. "I am open to listen whatever it is that you want to tell me. I love you and nothing will change that. I won't lose you again". "I hope that's true", Anastasia thought to herself. "Okay... but only you. No one else. I want everyone else but Lizzie and Ina gone", was  Tia's only requirement. "I am sorry to interrupt but if it's regarding your reputation or image as a public figure, we should be informed...", Scarlett's publicist intervened. "It's fine, I am sure we can fix it without you knowing", Scar instructed her publicist not wanting to go against Tia's wishes. Getting the message, her publicist backed off. "You guys can wait here, we'll go upstairs to my room", Ekaterina said. Like that, the 4 women went upstairs. They got inside the room, closed the door behind them and sat on the bed.

Anastasia proceeded to explain everything; where she grew up, how she was raised and most importantly, what was done to her. She omitted some parts like how she used to be a mercenary for the KGB but for the most part, she was honest. The model was terrified and even though it was a lot to process for Scarlett, she could see the fear in the girl's eyes. She was just a kid and she didn't deserve any of it. Not the abuse, not the fear, not the pain. No one should ever have to go through that, not Tia and not Ina. Scarlett now understood much better why Anastasia and Ekaterina were so close and why there were certain things or situations that made her or... them react the way they did. Imagine only knowing pain and fear, imagine waking up everyday thinking maybe that should be your last day, that maybe you were only made for that. "That's all she ever knew", Johansson thought while a tear fell down her cheek. Anastasia looked so small, like a little kid filled with sadness. She looked broken. A kind of broken she had never seen before, a kind of broken she couldn't fix. It almost felt like that wasn't Anastasia, her Anastasia. The confident girl who knows what she wants, the girl that's always full of jokes and sarcastic comments, the girl who's not afraid of anything and anyone... but I guess we all have our secrets, some are just better at hiding them than others. "Why did you never tell me?", Scar looked up searching for her lover's eyes. Anastasia was sitting in between Ekaterina and Elizabeth, cuddled up with Ina, just like she used to do when they were younger, wanting that safe place. "How could I?", the model's voice cracked. "I... I would've listened. I... I would've reacted differently, I would've been more careful — I said things I never meant but I never understood why you reacted the way you did until now, I would've... I would've been better... for you", the actress cried. "I didn't want you to treat me differently, I didn't want you to think that I was what they made me be... I don't blame you for what you did or said or didn't do or didn't say. I wanted you to see me for me". Elizabeth watched the interaction, her heart breaking for her friends. Even though she had already heard this story and more, she felt for them. They lived through the unimaginable. On the other side of the bed, Orlova sat hugging her everything, feeling just as much pain, feeling guilty, hating that story, their story. She wished to never let go, she wished to take all the pain away, she wished for life to allow her to protect her Anastasia, her life, her once lover and her forever true love.

The room went quiet. Anastasia had only one thought in mind, "What was I made for?".

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now