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Third Person's POV

It had been a day or two since Scarlett had parted from her hometown, New York. Anastasia had dropped her off at the airport to make sure she made it safely there for her L.A flight. The actress and model had stayed in touch ever since and fortunately, nothing extraordinary was happening for the moment. Elizabeth, Ekaterina and Anastasia were staying together. They were having a really good time, the three of them.

The trio was sitting on the couch in the living room in Tia's place. They were watching a movie, and were all cuddled up together. The bodyguards were on the sides of the huge couch, all in their pjs. It was quite a cute scene to watch. Ina had paused the movie when one of her bodyguards had told them he would go to the bathroom so, in the meantime, people started chatting. "So you and Scarlett are working on the same project, right?" Ekaterina asked not fully remembering what the actresses would be working on. "Yep, right. I'll be leaving this Thursday because I start filming the following day" Elizabeth replied. "It's a shame you'll leave us soon" Anastasia joined in the conversation. "Ugh, I know, I don't want to, that's partially the reason why I'll leave until Thursday, to spend as much time with you two as I can" the actress hugged the two girls. "Good thing you'll catch us in L.A" a happy Lizzie said thinking her friends would be traveling not long after to L.A to work. "Actually..." Anastasia began with a sad tone. Lizzie looked at her expectantly. "I won't be coming to L.A., only Tia will go" Ina finished the sentence. "Oh, I thought you were both coming" Lizzie looked at Ina before giving her a big bear hug. "It's okay, I'll see when I can visit" the Russian lawyer said, while still hugging Liz. Lizzie turned to look at Anastasia, and this one seemed quite upset her friend couldn't come. "Hey, it's alright. We'll miss her but she'll visit us, besides you'll be plenty busy with me and Scar" Liz tried to cheer her up. The thing is, the actress didn't know what Ekaterina's departure meant. "I know, I'm just sad Ina will leave" Tia said looking at the girl that she considered to be her everything. "Leave? What do you mean?" Lizzie wasn't following. "She'll go back to Europe, her work here is done. She'll leave and I hate it when she does because I barely see her after" Anastasia said not breaking eye contact with Ekaterina. The latter taking the other's hand in hers. "Oh" the mood changed. It was one of sadness. "You know I'll visit you both whenever I can" Ina smiled trying to reassure them. This trip to the States wasn't like any other, this one was different. She had made friends which was rare, and mostly, she had seen her Anastasia find love. That was a first. Unfortunately, Ekaterina couldn't help but feel worry, worry for Anastasia, worry for her friend's anguish to be true; but that's one of the reasons why she's leaving. The only way she can figure out what's going on is by getting as much information as possible, and doing it on the phone in the United States wasn't going to do that. So, she would go back to Europe, the main network of the Institute, the place where she can get as much information as wished and the place where she can get the protection for her and Anastasia, if necessary. "I know" a weak smile appeared on Anastasia's face. Before the conversation got any sadder, the bodyguards tried to intervene and make some lighter conversation "Oui besides we could use some days off. Having to follow you two around is worse than following the president" one of Ina's guys said with a very thick French accent. The girls laughed. "We do give you guys a lot of work" Anastasia replied. "See, my guys need a break too, it's only fair. And you know, I'll always be there if you need me" the blonde model mentioned. "I know" Anastasia said one last time.

A few minutes passed and they all resumed to watch movies. The rest of the night was pretty light-hearted, happy. As the days passed, the girls hung out, had tons of fun and talked, a lot. You know those long talks that you have with your best friend where you talk about everything and anything? They had a few of those talks. They were pretty happy and simple days. Ekaterina felt sad that she had to leave soon but had trust that with Scarlett and Elizabeth, Anastasia would be alright. Even though Scarlett was across the country, Ekaterina made sure to talk to her and Elizabeth about her friend. To ask to keep an eye on her and take care of her. The girls didn't take it too seriously at first, but when Ina explained that even though the young model acted all tough, she always needed someone to keep her calmed. It was the first time Ekaterina opened a bit about her friend and told the two actresses that they had a hard past (no specifics, of course)  and Anastasia struggled with it, even herself struggled with it at times. 

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