We're back, baby

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Third Person's POV

Anastasia and Ekaterina were temporarily stopping their "investigations" after almost a year. They had done more than enough to stop the field missions and each had their respective unfinished businesses with their companies. They both had been working on and off with several enterprises they owned while doing the missions, but couldn't fully keep up with all the work, so the decision was made to focus on that and once everything was organized enough, go back and finish what they started. Although, not wanting to separate, Ekaterina arranged to stay with Anastasia back at her home in Switzerland.

It was winter and both girls were sitting in the secondary living room, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book.

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"Близнецы звонили мне на днях

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"Близнецы звонили мне на днях. (The twins called me the other day)" Ekaterina said referring to Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen. Anastasia took a sip of her hot chocolate and thinking out loud she replied "С тех пор, как я в последний раз с ними говорил, их было несколько. (It's been a few since I last talked to them)". "Я знаю, они обязательно сказали мне. (I know, they made sure to tell me)" Ina said standing up and walking towards the fireplace, she continued once she was comfortable in place "Ты знал, что скоро день рождения Лиззи? (Did you know it's Lizzie's birthday soon?)". Tia nodded looking at her friend. "Близнецы планируют вечеринку-сюрприз для нее и они пригласили нас. (The twins are planning a surprise party for her and they invited us)" the lawyer informed. Staring into the nothing, Anastasia thought for a second before asking "Думаешь, нам стоит уйти? (Do you think we should go?)". Resting her back on the wall of the fireplace and facing Anastasia, Tia took a sip of her drink and with a gentle voice spoke "Ты не хочешь пойти? (Do you want to go?)". "Должны ли мы? Не думаю, что кто-то будет рад нас там увидеть. (Should we? I don't think anyone would be thrilled to see us there)" said the model with a slight tone of sadness. "Ты знаешь, что это неправда. Лиз будет более чем рада тебя видеть. (You know that's not true. Liz would be more than happy to see you)" Ekaterina said knowing what Tia truly meant. "Я бросил ее... их. (I abandoned her...them)". "Тогда позвони ей или им обоим и помирись с ними. (Then call her or call them both and make up with them)" Ina said as if it were the easiest thing in the world. For Anastasia it wasn't easy, she had never had to make up with someone who wasn't Ina, she didn't know how to do it without fucking up again.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now