Rough ride (chapter 13)

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A/n- I'm back people hehehe , enjoy the chapter :)

'' Alright I'm in , I'll keep an eye on them from here . kinda stupid that he didn't upgrade the damn system , this was so easy to get into .''
You said while looking at all the soldiers on your screen .

'' Well you're a well educated hacker so anything like this can be easy for ya .''
Ghost said.
'' how do we get him back ?.''
Rodolfo asked .
'' by breaking in .''
Ghost said simply .
'' and that's why i love the Ghosts .''
Soap spoke .

'' it's gonna take more than this .''
Ghost said sternly .
Rodlofo nodded and he walked up to a wooden door and he pushed it to the side revealing a whole entire weaponry .
'' its well stocked .''
Rodolfo said proudly .
'' holy shit .''
You said while looking away from your computer and walking up to it .

'' we give the child knives , she showed me her handy work with it and it seems to work best for her .''
Ghost spoke and Rodolfo nodded while grabbing some throwing knives .

Rodolfo handed you the knives and you gave him a little thank you nod and you placed the throwing knives on your vest .
'' oh by the way this child has a riley .''
You said with a smirk and he snapped his head towards you .

'' who told you that information .''
Ghost asked sternly while walking up to you .
'' You thought I would just magically believe that your names were soap and Ghost ? i did some digging and i found out your names .''
You said simply .
'' you tell no one .''
Ghost explained sternly .
'' Yeah yeah , not like i have anyone to tell anyways .''
You shrugged .

Soap and the others geared up and grabbed as many weapons as they could and they got ready.
'' we're gonna need wheels .''
You said while closing the laptop and looking back towards them .
'' preferably up-armored .''
Soap said as he crossed his arms .

You fixed the bandages on your shoulder and you looked around , the raining had died down outside and it was muggy and warm . The air smelt of rain and dirt along with gunpowder . You liked the rain , it was calming . You listened as thunder crackled and boomed throughout.

You didn't like the thunder but only the rain. You thought of life as storms but after every storm there was always a rainbow . That means that even when there's bad and you think it won't get better there's always something good waiting for you to find it. You and the others grabbed stuff from the armory and you headed out a back door.

It was still pouring rain out but it had died down quite a lot for when you were first out in it. That air was cold and smelled earthy as there was not one patch of blue sky in sight . As you walk along the muddy road to the humvee. You saw the black hunk of metal sitting there in the rain making you wonder how it didn't rust . You kept on walking and you made sure to be careful with your steps to not slip and fall in the mud . Once you arrived at the vehicle you waited for ghost to open the door and you hopped in the back and strapped in .

Ghost hopped in the driver's seat and Rodolfo sat in the front on the passenger side . You sat in the back on the right side and soap sat on your left. The seats were black and the windows were well tinted. It was a bit cut up but you had to make dew with what you had. I mean shit ghost found some random ass truck and hit a shadow with it so at the moment that humvee was a gift.

You all strapped in your seat belts and you fixed your vest along with the knives that sat in it and you fixed your helmet . Your arm still hurt a lot but you still tried to manage , you didn't want to be a liability. Ghost turned on the humvee and started up the giant truck . you were soon off and heading to Alejandro and the others .

'' so uh hack a lot right ?.''
Rodolfo said while trying to start a conversation .
'' that's my job ain't it ?.''
You said,confused .
'' well yes...but like do you do it on your own free will ? .''
He questioned .

In fact you very much did , you know everything but you never say anything. You can see people's history , search history , personal info and so much more . you may not have been the greatest at fighting but you tried .
'' i do at times .''
You said plainly .
'' oh uh kid, I need to change your bandages . ''
Soap said while pointing to your bloody bandage on your arm .
The blood had slowly seeped through while you were there and moving and you looked down and sighed .

'' alright...''
You said quietly .
Soap nodded and took out another small roll of bandages from and under the compartment of the seat he was sitting on and he unrolled it . you gently lifted your arm to give him access to it and he slowly unwrapped the bloody bandages from your arm slowly . you bit the inside of your cheek as he did so and you watched. He wiped away blood from your arm ands he carefully changed out your bloody bandages to new ones . The bleeding stopped quiet and bit and was cleaned .

He was careful as he tied it and made sure it was secure and couldn't come off and he gave you a slight tap to know you're done . you gave him a slight thank you nod and you leaned on the window .
'' what happens if i kill someone .''
You said randomly .
'' well wont get arrested as long as it's on a mission but you can't just kill anyone or of random .''
Ghost spoke .
'' oh okay .''
You said .

You werent gonna just kill anyone ...oh no wanted to kill graves . you wanted to kill graves . He was the one who almost took the last thing you had , soap . they were all technically the last thing you had . Ghost looked at you through the rear view mirror and he stared .

'' listen i know you don't want to be here but it'll be over soon '
He said , knowing how you felt .
you were ready to kill that asshole , life stripped you of everything you loved and you werent gonna let anyone take that from you . even if you didn't quite enjoy the missions and such.
'' This is capture or kill now , we kill graves and we find shepherds. .''

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