Hauntings ( chapter 16 )

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A/n - here is a late but long chapter for you lovely's I hope you enjoy : ) , I thought I want gonna get a chapter out but here you go :)

You walked down the hallway with soap looking down at all the different colored german shepherd and you smiled at all of them but you also felt bad , you didn't like to see them locked up in cages but thats where they stood until they had to go on a mission or there squad members would keep them in base with them . soap walked over to one of the german shepherds cages and it read 141 on it . you looked at the dog with curiosity and you turned to soap.

'' his names is riley , we use him on missions when we can .''
Soap said as he grabbed a leash hanging on the wall and he opened up the cage . Riley walked up to him and sat , being obedient as soap hooked his leash on his collar and he took him out of the cage . The cages were pretty quiet since they were all trained and probably tired . you looked down at Riley with a smile and looked at soap for permission .

'' Yeah you can pet him , he knows when he's on duty or not . ''
Soap chuckled .
'' hes named after Ghosts last name ?.''
You google as You kneeled down and you pet the dog on his head gently and you gave him some ear scratches causing the pup to lean into your hand .
'' he likes you .''
Soap giggled.
'' can we keep him at base ?.''
You asked excitedly .
'' sorry lass we gotta keep him here but it would be fun to have him around.''
He said,

'' aww damn it would be fun to have a pet in base .''
You said as you stood up .
You always wanted your own pet but you could never really get on since at the time you were in foster care and your foster parents didn't like animals .
'' he seems like a good boy , a dangerous fluff ball .''
You smiled at Riley while giving him more head scratches for a second until you looked up at soap.
'' he indeed is a good boy but we already have a pet .''
Soap giggled gesturing to you .
'' oh shut up .''
You said chuckled while playfully hitting his arm .

Before even heading out it took alot of converging towards Ghost to let you and soap head out of base , Ghost didn't want to let you out since you were still injured and he wanted you to rest and heal and he knew that soap has a tendency to get into trouble at times. Soap took off RIleys leash and put him back into his assigned cage and closed it back up . don't worry cause riley had food and water since they had someone come in there every day three times a day to feed the pups.

You walked out of the k-9 unit and you walked throughout base as soap showed you around again a bit but you didn't complain since you enjoyed his company .
'' this is chow hall .''
He said pointing to the cafeteria filled with other soldiers.
'' i'm aware ...i ate here before .''
You said knowingly .
'' ever had a food fight ?.''
You asked with a smirk .
'' Once , it didn't end well ...don't get any ideas . ''
Soap said while ruffling your hair .

You giggled and playfully swatted his hand away as he started to lead you into the chow hall , chatter filled the cafeteria and the smell of food lingered in the air . you walked around going towards the food stand to get your food. You hopped on line with soap and got many stares from other soldiers and you looked at them with a death glare . you heard many whispers and you even saw the guy you threatened before as well. You looked up at soap asking him in silence what was all the commotion about .
'' there just not used to seeing kids here , usually ones dont talk and act like you .''
He said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously .

'' well i'm not just some kid i'm literally a high grade hacker sitting in a room with a bunch of SWEATY ASSHOLES WHO CAN'T MIND THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.''
You  said loudly at the end  while flipping some of them off , getting a laugh out of him as he grabbed two trays and you both started walking to a table to eat at .
'' alright save it for later , eat for now and then we will go back ."
he said .

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